
End the Year Strong (a pep talk)

Frustrated that you haven’t achieved as much with your writing as you wanted, this year?

Good news!

There’s plenty of year left…more than 10%, in fact!

You can get a lot done in the next 6 weeks

  • Even if you’re busy over the holiday season
  • Even if you’re sad because you’re not busy over the holiday season

If You Are Busy

It’s important for you to feed your creative self so that you have energy to be there for the friends, family members and colleagues who you want to party with.

If You Are Not Busy

This is the perfect time to distract yourself by throwing yourself into your writing and creating connections through story.

If You’re Lacking Confidence

Let’s hush those mean voices in your head.

Who are you to think you have stories to tell?

You’re YOU…the only you who has ever lived.

You’re a reader, a storyteller, a daydreamer, and a person with a facility for language, an interest in the human condition…who BETTER to tell stories?!

How To Finish The Year Strong

Put some writing dates on the calendar

Find a community to support you

Post in the StoryADay SWAGr group comments on Dec 1

Join the StoryADay I, WRITER Course, six weeks mindset and writing-practice lessons PLUS a weekly focus on craft skills and two writing assignments. Write one or both, and you’ll end the year with 6-10 stories drafted, that you can revise and send out into the world.

All before the end of this year!

Will you end this year strong and go into next year with the sense of accomplishment and confidence you’ve been searching for?

I, Writer DIY QR Code

Join I WRITER now

Find out more about the StoryADay


The only qualification to be a ‘Superstar” is a desire to write and support your fellow writers.

A supportive group of committed writers, who meet virtually, support each other’s efforts, and inspire each other.

Registration for 2024 open now-June 8, 2024 

Find out more about the StoryADay


The only qualification to be a ‘Superstar” is a desire to write and support your fellow writers.

A supportive group of committed writers, who meet virtually, support each other’s efforts, and inspire each other.

Registration for 2024 open now-June 8, 2024