The end of the year is a busy time but you’re not ready to give up on your writing yet.
To feel super-successful by the end of this year, concentrate on finishing one thing…maybe starting and finishing a new short story.
You could take a story from ‘idea’ to ‘the end’ in the next six weeks without stressing yourself out, and instead end the year feeling accomplished and confident.
Sound good?
Don’t get too ambitious and tell yourself you’ll write and polish a story to give away as a holiday gift.
Write it for yourself– to prove to yourself that you can.
You can search StoryADay’s archive of annual writing prompts (I’ve been adding to it since 2010!) and check out the articles, especially the Flash Fiction Essentials series.
Or, treat yourself to the Draft in a Day Workshop – a pre-recorded workshop that takes you, in bite-sized chunks, through the process of drafting a single short story
Tip: you can do this in a day, but it’s also great for spreading out over a few weeks, so you can teach yourself to make steady progress and still finish a story.
There are lots of different ways to be a writer.
Some of those ways fit better in different seasons of our lives.
If you feel like enjoying the upcoming holiday season but would also love to feel accomplished and confident as a writer going into the new year, consider drafting a single story between now and New Year’s Eve…and use my Draft in a Day Workshop for solid guidance on how to go from ‘idea’ to ‘the end’.
Keep writing,
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