Get the support you need to make this YOUR WRITING YEAR
Superstars is your writing
peer group &
in your pocket

Imagine your perfect writer's conference....
- On Friday you're excited, nervous and shy. You can't believe you're really here with all these writers. Surely they are all much better and more professional than you?
- During Saturday's sessions you start introducing yourself to others, and find out they're just like you, By noon you've found someone to sit with...and a bigger group for dinner.
- By Sunday morning you've made lifelong friends and can't believe you're going to have to leave this little writerly bubble soon...but you're excited to try out all you've learned, if only you can remember everything!
Now imagine if you could stay at that conference with your new favorite people,
- all year long
- from the comfort of your own home
- with the time and space to implement everything you're learning, as you go along.

"It'll change your writing life"
Hear Superstar Kim talk about the unbelievable value of being part of a supportive group of writers...
Monthly Mastermind Calls
Pull up your seat at our monthly virtual meetings, ask questions, share your progress and learn from other writers, at every stage of the writing life.

Regular Writing Sprints
You're invited to our writing sprints throughout the week: a fabulous way to get some writing time on your calendar, in the company of others. You'll be amazed how effective these Zoom-based sprints are!

Special Events
Each month we gather for a special (virtual) event. It may be a craft or business-based workshop, a masterclass with an expert, or our ever-popular Critique Week - a chance to get feedback on your writing

Private Community
You have support for your writing 24/7 in our private Slack community. With writers from almost every English-speaking country we cover a lot of time zones! You also have access to past workshops and replays in our private online portal.

You + Superstars = an amazing writing life
Whether you are still dreaming of creative writing, have begun to write from time to time...in Superstars you meet other writers just like you.
Or maybe you've made writing your stories, novels or memoir part of your life, but need a place where you can regularly focus on improving your skills.
Or perhaps, like some Superstars, you are writing and publishing stories and essays regularly and are now working on systems to make all the other parts of writing-and-having-an-audience run smoothly.
Whatever your stage, Superstars builds the skills and confidence you need to make creativity the foundation of your life, in the company of others who know what you're gong through and won't let you hide from your dreams.
Focus On Writing
It all starts with the writing. StoryADay's vast archive of writing prompts combines with the Superstars writing sprints, accountability check-ins and live writing workshops, to give you the nudge you need to build writing into your life...so you can bypass the angst and get into the flow, faster.
Build Your Confidence
Create the habits of a regular writer and build the mindset by meeting with other writers, and learn to adopt the identity of 'writer', every day. Share habits, systems, motivation and more in our community so you can stay on the path, year-round, not just when you're inspired, while always having a welcoming 'clubhouse' filled with people who care about your success.
Master the Craft Skills You Need
Access live & recorded masterclasses with guest experts, workshops that focus on specific skills, and live classes. Find the right tool at the right time, to keep improving as a writer, so that you can build a regular, fulfilling writing practice and work your way towards your writing goals.
When You Are Actively Writing....
- It is a relief to pour out your thoughts and ideas onto paper, where you can sort and understand them. It's much cheaper than therapy.
- It is satisfying to use your talent to wrangle words into a pleasing order --- it makes you happy.
- Writing is your legacy --- using squiggles on a page to connect with the hearts of friends, strangers, people yet to be born, is true magic.
A Note From Julie Duffy...
I started the StoryADay May challenge in 2010 out of frustration...I wanted to be writing but couldn't make myself do it alone.
Over the years, I've seen writers make a great start on new projects -- the challenge, a novel, a memoir -- only to get derailed by other people's needs, their own doubts, and lack of skills that they mistake for a lack of ability.
But I've also seen people blossom, grow beyond their own expectations, and fully embrace the identity and practice of 'writer'.
The difference?
Having a community to support them: coaching, accountability, prompts, and deadlines
I built the StoryADay Superstars to support writers like you..and like me. I hope you'll consider joining us and finally getting the hang of this writing thing, once and for all.
Keep writing,

"I've had several stories published"
Hear Superstar Marta talk about the how the feedback and community have pushed her to a new level, as a writer...
You, Writing...
- Have more energy for the other parts of your life
- Rediscover the childlike quality of wonder you've been missing
- Find everything else in your life a little easier easier, somehow
- Problem-solve and make decisions like champ
- Make cool connections, faster
- Are curious, generous, empathetic, and engaging
- Connnect to the whole of humanity (without having to make eye contact with any of them!)
- Become who you want to be..who you truly are
What's in Superstars?
The ShortLIST
(Learn, Implement, Support, Trust)
L - Improve Your Craft
Pinpoint areas of the craft or writing life you want to improve, through skill-building workshops and expert masterclasses. Use the live and recorded resources so you are never frustrated or unsure, again.
I - Focused Time To Write
Regular writing sprints on Zoom in the company of other writers who'll keep you accountable...and celebrate with you in the breaks.
S - A Committed Group of Writers
Monthly meetings with the community to strategize or bounce ideas around, so you can be more productive and more creative. Make writing friends who won't let you quit.
T - Private online community
Our private Slack workspace is always with you, on your computer or on your phone, and with community members around the globe, there's always someone to share advice or resources, around the clock.
JOIN SUPERSTARSIs Superstars right
for me?
Perfect if you:
- Long to make writing part of your life, for good
- Have a project that calls to you
- Are tired of starting and stopping
- Intrigued by our 'community of introverts'
- Have a sense of humor
- Are little bit terrified at the idea of joining
- Know it's time for you to write, now (not 'some day')
Not for you if you are:
- Competitive rather than collegial
- In a rush to be famous
- Unwilling to write regularly
- Unable to ask for help or accept support
- Always right
- More serious about yourself than your practice
- Looking for external validation, not the satisfaction that comes from doing the work

"You won't regret it"
Hear Superstar Gabrielle talk about how her writing practice has grown exponentially and how she describes herself now...
JOIN SUPERSTARSWait, what's included again?
A 'Goldilocks Zone' online community
Not so big that you'll get lost, but big enough to include a range of experiences, skill levels and life experience. Ask questions, share resources, get support in our private Slack Workspace.
Your fellow Superstars are students, teachers, retirees, stay-at-home parents, and business people; all genders and ages; writing in the US, UK, Singapore, New Zealand, India, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, and Canada; and who all embrace the inclusive and no-judgement ethos of Superstars.
Regular Meetings
There's no real substitute for seeing other people's faces when you want to feel like part of the community. We get together for Zoom discussions and workshops several times a month -- all recorded and archived in an easy-to-access portal. PLUS writing sprints in the Supertars Cafe (on Zoom) throughout the week -- you'll be amazed how productive you become, writing along with other people.
Workshops & Masterclasses
Craft- and business-based workshops where you can work on skills in real time, or a masterclass where experts share their know-how and you can ask them questions. Recorded live and archived.
Focus, Accountability, Skill-Building
Superstars helps you focus so you can become more productive and more creative, no matter what your aims for your writing are.
Community-shared resources (such as places to submit your fiction and information about events outside StoryADay) along with weekly accountability check-ins. make this perfect place to be whether you are struggling to write, cruising along or celebrating a success...and you'll probably need us for all of those things at some point!
Superstars is your personal cheering squad!
JOIN USEverything Included in Superstars
6 months Superstars membership
Exclusive "STAGES" Workshop
Regular Writing "Sprints"
"Priority Seating" for Critique Week
Exclusive access to expert advice
Private Slack Community for 24/7 Support
No-Stress Guarantee
But Wait, There's More...
(of course I have a fantastic BONUS for you, if you sign up in November 2024)
Writers Just Like You

Marta Pelrine-Bacon
I'd had some stories published, but I felt really on my own in the writing life.
Now I have a community who understands my writing and my goals. I have a place to celebrate wins and to sympathize with the confusion and frustration of trying to create the writing life I want.

Neha Mediratta
I was stuck in the morass of guilt and self-doubt because I was not able to finish longer pieces of fiction writing. Now I finish most pieces!
Writing a story a day has been very good practice to develop a positive orientation to writing endeavors, not to mention that it has led me to meet new people, be part of a community and find my writing feet again.

Anita G. Gorman
I was already writing and getting published.
I decided to try the Superstars to see if I could remain motivated and productive during the other ten months of the year!
I am more motivated to write and send out stories. I recently submitted a short-story collection--finally! I am also more motivated to revise novels that I have written. I also now have a website.

Robin Stein
Joining Superstars five months ago changed my writing life. I wake up in the morning excited. Not only am I writing more, I am writing with mindfulness and new skills I've learned at Superstars. Now I proudly tell people I am a WRITER.
Spend 6 months at your new favorite
writers' conference, workshop and retreat
+ I, WRITER Course (limited time promotion)

C. H. Schoen
Before I found StoryADay I was not confident in what I was writing and I was not consistent.
It has been absolutely amazing to be part of the Superstars group and to have fellow writers at all different levels to talk to.
It has truly changed my life.

C. McCane
My writing life is more intentional now. I’ve begun to focus less on the faults in my writing and more on the purpose of my prose.
This has helped me jump from dreaming to writing with a plan.
Right now, there’s a lot of external forces that can dampen creativity. Joining Superstars is an engaging way to find motivation and camaraderie with fellow writers. I’ve been working mostly on flash fiction and blogging this summer, so you don’t need to be writing the next American novel to benefit from signing up.
"I have become a real writer"
Hear how Superstar Robin has gained more than just a writing practice from her membership in Superstars...