Write Now, Not "Some Day"

  • You want to be writing, but life keeps getting in the way. 
  • Or maybe it’s your inner critic, shutting you down before you can finish, or even start, a piece.
  • Or maybe you just finished one big project and don’t want to lose momentum.
  • With the best of intentions, it’s easy to let our writing goals slip. 
  • So I have a challenge for you.

I’m Julie Duffy and I’ve led thousands of writers through the StoryADay challenge since 2010.

Now I’m back with a 3-Day Challenge to help you reach your goals of being a more productive, more fulfilled, more creative writer.

StoryADay’s 3-Day Challenge

The 3-Day Challenge is a self-paced online writing retreat where I’ll walk you through the key elements of successful short stories.

You’ll emerge with three completed first drafts you can revise and share, along with a better understanding of your best writing practices.

Write Today, Not ‘Some Day’!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take the 3 Day Challenge — maybe this coming weekend? — so that you can

quiet the voices in your head that insist you couldn’t possibly write today, or finish a story, or

keep that momentum going and so that you can confidently sit down to write and turn out complete pieces whenever you want, not just from time to time or when the stars align.

Practice Makes Progress

When you build a confident, regular writing practice you feel that you’re doing the work you were put here to do.

That confidence spills out into all the other areas of your life.

When you get your writing done, the rest of your day goes so much better. You’re happier, your family and friends get your best, because you’ve already filled yourself.

When you know that you can write any day, not just when you feel inspired, you’re not longer held back by perfectionism. It frees you to write more often, to experiment more, to get to the good stuff more quickly.

You know that swell of emotion you feel when you’re reading your favorite author?

Well, when you’re writing more, and better, you have stacks of stories ready to share with readers, so that you can give them the gift, you can take them out of their lives for a moment inspire them, scare them, delight them, give them a moment of connection.

3 Days, 3 Stories

You should take
the 3-Day Challenge if You…


What's In The Challenge?

So that all sounds great but how does the 3-Day Challenge help you get there?

As in the StoryADay challenge, I’ll give you a daily writing prompt, but more than that, I spend each day sharing a key element of short story writing to equip you to get to ‘the end’ faster, knowing you’ve hit all the elements readers love.

Day 1

We dig into character so that your plot takes care of itself. I’ll ask you to write a flash fiction story using what you’ve learned (and yes, I’ll share what makes a flash fiction story tick)

Day 2

We focus on shaping the story so it doesn’t wander off in the middle or try to grow into a novel, before you reach the end. Then you’ll write a story that pivots around a single action, to put this principle into practice and solidify it for you.

Day 3

We focus on when and how to end the story so your readers feel both hungry for more of your writing and satisfied by this story. They will feel reassured that, any time they pick up one of your stories, they are in good hands. And that will turn them into your raving fans.

Every lesson is delivered in bite-sized videos along with audio and written versions, and downloadable transcripts. And there’s a place to chat with your fellow writers during the challenge.

Bite-Sized Videos

Bite-Sized Video Lessons

Never lose your place or become overwhelmed.

written lessons

Written lessons

Plus audio and transcripts
so you can learn the way that works best for you.

Thousands of people have started the StoryADay Challenges over the past decade. Not everyone makes it past the first few days. 

  • This 3-Day Challenge is for you if want to take advantage of the intense, focused energy of a StoryADay Challenge, without committing to a massive, Everest-like goal.
  • This Challenge is for you if you’re feeling fragile about your writing. If you’ve wandered off the path and need someone to extend a hand, and lead you back.
  • This challenge is for you if you’re doing great, but you just can’t resist a challenge, or maybe you just produce better when you’ve got a curriculum to follow and prompts to write to. Plenty of us thrive that way.

Deadlines and community are two of the only reasons I finish anything.

All the materials will be saved in an online portal that you can access any time. There’s even a mobile app!

Yes! You can interact with other participants in the challenge, in the comments on each lesson.

The last thing I want is to add to any anxiety you might have about your writing, so I offer a no-strings, 14-Day Money Back Guarantee.


Please consider that going it alone, doing what you were doing before has brought you to where you are today. And I don’t think you’re satisfied with where you are today.

So why not take a chance on me, and take a chance on yourself?

I’m so glad you asked!

I’m committed to protecting your privacy and creating an awesome, inclusive community.

You can find the StoryADay Privacy Policy here and our Terms of Service here.

You Don't Have To Go It Alone

Writing seems like a solitary pursuit, but
the happiest, most successful writers I know
have a crew around them.
Join our crew

The World Needs Your Story

OK, so if you’re still scrolling, I suspect it’s because the idea of writing is important to you.

  • Writing makes you feel better,
  • Writing is what you’re supposed to be doing,
  • You’ve tried, over and over again, maybe for years, to find the way to make it work.

May I humbly suggest that taking three days — not even full days, just an hour or two– to give yourself the gift of focus on your writing, may be just what you need?

If not now, when?

What’s going to be different, this time next week?

Chances are your money situation will be about the same.

You’ll be just as pressed for time, and your brain will have had extra 7 days to reinforce the idea that you can’t make any progress in your writing.

Or you could, 7 days from now, have

  • Drafted three stories
  • Learned the principles of putting together a kick-ass short story
  • Discovered your best writing practices
  • Developed tons of ideas for future projects and a method for writing them
  • Conquered your perfectionism
  • Muffled your inner critic long enough to get some work done.
  • Doing what you’ve always done has got you where you are.

And I know you’re not satisfied with where you are.

I know because I was there.

And I can tell you,I am a much better, happier, more fulfilled person, easier to live with, and more generous with my time, less envious of other writers, now that I am on this side of the hurdle and I’m writing regularly.

I don’t want you to stay stuck there.

I invite you to join me, over here. I invite you to click on that link. Sign up for the three-day challenge, DO the three-day challenge, and, if you sign up by Friday, I’ll invite you to join me for a 15-minute bonus coaching session.

I want this to be the start of you having the confidence to give the world the gift of your words, your experiences, and your voice.

Because your voice matters and the world needs your story.

Click the link and I’ll see you inside.

Copyright 2010-2020 Julie Duffy