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What people are saying

10 Podcasts by Writers To Get You Hyped For Your Next Project
10 Podcasts by Writers To Get You Hyped For Your Next
“Duffy offers digestible writing advice, plus bite-sized writing tasks to complete between episodes”
Tobias S. Buckell, NYT Bestselling author, speaker & futurist
“I learned a bunch listening to her podcast!”
Best 23 Podcasts for WritersWriter's Digest
“Julie Duffy offers very short episodes for very short writing with prompts and insightful tips.”
... helps you figure out how to keep that commitment up for the rest of your life. In bite-sized, 10- to 15-minute episodes, listeners can get creativity challenges, writing prompts, and regularly published posts on the craft of writing..
BecomeAWriterToday.comBryan Collins
...challenges writers to discover how much they are capable of writing [and] explores how writers can become more committed to their craft
SmartBlogger.comMel Wicks
It’s more than a podcast. It’s a supportive community of like-minded writers who want the freedom to write well or badly, as long as they are inspired to keep writing.
I'm a very simple person. When I see a new StoryADay episode, I hunt down my earphones and get on Youtube..

Podcast Episodes

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StoryADay Podcast cover


Writers write. Professional writers write a lot.

The StoryADay ( challenge exists to help you learn how much you’re capable of writing in a month. The Write Every Day, Not “Some Day” podcast helps you figure out how to keep that commitment up for the rest of your life.

Each 10-15 minute episode tackles a particular topic and gives you a writing assignment to complete before the next episode.

Music credit: Alan McPike


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 Still not sure what this is all about?
Read The StoryADay “How To Listen To A Podcast” Guide

Some of the places that love storyADay

"Now I have a community who understands my writing and my goals. I have a place to celebrate wins and to sympathize with the confusion and frustration of trying to create the writing life I want."
Marta Pelrine-Bacon
Writer & Artist
"Joining Superstars five months ago changed my writing life. I wake up in the morning excited. Not only am I writing more, I am writing with mindfulness and new skills I've learned at Superstars. Now I proudly tell people I am a WRITER."
Robin Stein
Robin Stein
"I love Superstars! More than anything, it's a supportive, encouraging, non-judgmental group. We're all in the same boat, at different points in our writing journeys. No pressure (not much, anyway). It's very freeing to lurk & jump in when it feels comfortable."
JEM Wildfire
JEM Wildfire

Writing a story a day has been very good practice to develop a positive orientation to writing endeavors, not to mention that it has led me to meet new people, be part of a community and find my writing feet again. 

Neha Mediratta
Neha Mediratta

Take the 3-Day Challenge

Find out more about the StoryADay


The only qualification to be a ‘Superstar” is a desire to write and support your fellow writers.

A supportive group of committed writers, who meet virtually, support each other’s efforts, and inspire each other.

Registration for 2024 open now-June 8, 2024