Walking The Writer’s Path

  • What if you had time to write? 
  • What if, when you sat down to write, you could jump over all the hangups and just write?
  • What if, every day, you felt like the writer you were supposed to be?
  • What if you were a writer who could produce more, better stories, then get on with your day?
  • What if you were invigorated, attentive, more relaxed, more present (pleasant?) for the people in your life?

StoryADay Superstars Waitlist

I'm excited to welcome you into Superstars

Leave your email address and I'll let you know as soon as I open up the group again for enrolment (usually late April and late August)

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Thanks for your interest. I'll let you know when Superstars opens up again. In the meantime, why not get a writing prompt or read some articles at StoryADay.org?