Story | Genre | Summary | The Author |
Man Murdered By Tree In Minnesota Forest, Day21 | Action/Adventure | A newspaper article about a man and his tangled relationship with a tree with a salty past.A budding workplace romance gets tested by the Corporations deadly antics. | TammyB |
In For A Penny | Humor/Noir | When a beautiful dame walks into this private investigator's office, we know we're about to embark on a sweet noir adventure. | Almo Schumann recommended by Julie Duffy |
Fear and Loathing In LaGrange | General | A gonzo journalist interviews a murderer who insists she meant no harm -- based on a fairy tale. | Marian Allen |
Satellites | Science Fiction/Speculative | Every person who walks through the world causes ripples. This is a story about those ripples. | Julie Duffy |
The 16th Story | Science Fiction/Speculative | In a story told entirely in dialog, the reader comes to realize the argument between a husband and wife over packing is really about so much more. | Marta Pelrine-Bacon, recommended by Marian Allen |
Caveat Emptor | Science Fiction/Speculative | We've all heard of selling a soul, but would you buy one? | Fleet Sparrow, recommended by Julie Duffy |
The To Do List (scroll to end for story) | Humor | What do you get when you mix a school dance, a pet monster, and a loyal twin hell-bent on revenge? A very interesting to-do list. | Sarah Cy |
Apple Girl | Fantasy | She overcame her fear of apples and joined the circus. A death reveals who she really is. | Marta Pelrine-Bacon |
The Door To McDonalds | Science Fiction/Speculative | What if you bought coupons from a homeless man and tried to use them at McDonald's? You'd be surprised! | Marian Allen, recommended by Marta Pelrine-Bacon |
City of Dreams City of Angels | Non-Fiction/Memoir | It was a city that I’d moved to out of necessity as a milestone of aging. And I hated it, at first. | L.C. Krähe |
Happy Birthday, Valerie | Humor | Three friends work together on a unique birthday present, with unexpected results. | Jessica Allyson |
The Final Push | Humor | A brief tale about when being a blowhard CEO really sucks | Dave Harper Recommended by Julie Duffy |
A Gap In The Traffic | General | An old man hasn't left the house in a long time following an accident. Today, he may have to. | David Wells |
Sati (Burning of the Widow) | General | Sati pratha or burning of the widow tradition was prevalent during the 16th century in India. This story takes you inside the lives of these women. | Sally Chowdhary |
The Continuity of Life | General | An adult's revisiting a childhood haunt. | Sascha Darlington |
Elephants Never Abet | Mystery/Crime | A law-abiding pachyderm must confront traumatic memories when two thugs seek to profit from his police connections. This flash piece has been expanded from a response to the Day 16 "We Need To Talk" StoryADay prompt. | Andre N. Lepine |
Drowning | Non-Fiction/Memoir | The author shares her experience dealing with depression, and how she found a piece of flotsam to keep from drowning in sadness. | Tianna Grosch, recommended by Andre N. Lepine |