Guest Post

I am currently accepting for guest posts in the following categories

  • Tuesday Reading Room (see below for guidelines)
  • Writing Prompts (see examples)
  • Interviews (submit your own name as an interview candidate or query me about an interview you have done with someone interesting in the writing world.)
  • Podcast Guests (If you’ve had stories published I’m particularly interested, but members of the community are also very welcome to share their experiences building their writing practice.
  • Themed Feature articles (see the editorial calendar for details. Open to anyone with some expertise–this doesn’t have to mean professional, it can simply be that you are an experienced enthusiast)

Who Should Guest Post?

If you are a member of the StoryADay community or a fan of the short story, you are welcome to try your hand at guest posting.

Guest posts can be an effective way to introduce yourself to a community of like-minded readers (and writers). You can provide a link in the bio to your own projects and may well find a bump in your traffic if people like what you have to say.

How To Guest Post at

Check the listings above for the types of articles I am currently accepting.

Email me at editor at storyaday dot org with a query (i.e. an idea and a few bullet points) or a full post (see guidelines below). Do not send an email like this, which I concluded was spam and deleted.

Write in a way that is useful to other writers of short stories (no personal narratives).

Do suggest an image to go with your post (use’s Advance Search function to search for Creative Commons licensed pictures, for example)

Be prepared to give a short bio. It should include your name (or pseudonym) and a link to your blog or other online profile (this may include a link to your books on Amazon or simply what you like to read/write). A headshot/avatar would be nice, but is optional. If you have a username at, please include that.

Guest Post Guidelines

Don’t be intimidated by this list of best practices. If you’re not sure you can do any of them, reach out with your pitch and I’ll figure out if we can make it work.

  • Please read a few examples of the category of article you are pitching to get a sense of the style. You can find Tuesday Reading Room posts here, Write On Wednesday Prompts here,  Feature Articles posts here and Interviews here.
  • Limit your post to 600 words or so.
  • Use bullets and headings to break up the flow of your piece.
  • Quote from other writers only if you can give a proper source.
  • If you are writing for the Reading Room feature, please do tell us what the story’s about, how you reacted to it, and what you think other writers could learn from it. Don’t do a  straight re-telling or review of the story. Do quote from it, to give a flavour of the author’s writing (but not too much!) and give a source for where the story can be found, if you can.
  • If you can format the piece in HTML that would be great! (If you don’t know how to do that, Susannah at has a great tutorial. Use H3 for headings and interview questions. or simply send it in as plain a format as you can (email body text is fine) . Do use a double paragraph return between paragraphs. Don’t use all-caps, indents, tabs, columns, tables or–do I still have to say this–paragraph returns at the end of lines.)
  • Email the file pasted into the body of an email to editor at storyaday dot org. Include a short bio with links to your site/books/social media profiles (if you want to). Here’s a good example:
    Julie Duffy is a writer and the director of StoryADay May ( Her stories have been published in anthologies and online, most recently at ( You can out more at
  •  I may edit your post for length or style.
  • If your post is selected to be featured on the site, do check back in — especially in the week it goes live or the week the round-up newsletter comes out — to join in any discussion that it sparks. Interacting with commenters is a great way to generate raving fans for your own writing.
  • There is currently no payment for unsolicited articles. You grant a non-exclusive right to post your article on this site. (You can publish it anywhere else concurrently). If I want to use it for any other purpose I will contact you for permission.

Thanks for your interest in guest posting at I’m really looking forward to seeing what you send!

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