
Day 02 – Write Your Opening, Brainstorm the Middle

Write the opening of your story and plan to move past it

Day 2

We’re starting today by paying off all the hard work you did yesterday, and writing your opening: just up until you’ve shown us the character in the midst of dealing with their problem (possibly the way they always have).

NOTE: at this stage we are not worried about ‘show, don’t tell’. We’ll work on that in a few days.

For today: just draft the story however comes naturally.

  • You might have too much detail
  • You might have no detail at all

That’s OK, We’ve got the rest of the month to figure out what you need to do…

Also today, you’ll brainstorm some of the middle of the story. This is the part where most stories stall. But not this week!

P. S. You’ll need about 45 minutes for each day’s tasks. I’ve broken them up into segments so that if you only have a little bit of time, here and there, you can still do everything you need to do!

Task 1/3: Write Your Opening

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One Story Challenge

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The only qualification to be a ‘Superstar” is a desire to write and support your fellow writers.

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I, WRITER Course


A 6-part journey through the short story.

Starts July 28, 2023