A New Year’s Eve Challenge

Do this before midnight…


That’s it.

Decide that you are a writer.

(Decide: from the Latin deciderer- ‘to cut off’.)

When you decide to do something your brain stops worrying about “if” and starts working on “how”. And that’s how things get done.

Let’s cut off all the prevarication, the shilly -shallying, the ‘maybe I can wriggle out of the hard work by pretending I’m not really that bothered about being a writer’, the ‘maybe someone else will write the book my audience needs, and I’m ok with that’. Leave all that in the year that is ending.

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[Write On Wednesday] (re)Committed

After scaring you all with my writing prompt headline last week, I’m going much more positive this week.

The Prompt


Write a story about a character who is determined to achieve something difficult.


  • Tell us why that something matters to your character
  • Think about what obstacles you can put in her way. Go beyond the obvious.
  • Show us one way in which she is better, more determined, more heroic than we ourselves would be.
  • Let her triumph — or flop gloriously.
