
Why You (Still) Don’t Have Time To Write

Even in this time when it seems like you ought to have more time to write, you probably aren’t finding it.

That’s because nobody ever FINDS time to write. You have to MAKE it.

But before you can make it, you need to know where the time is going. So, Step 1: track your time for a few days and see where it’s all going. Download a tracker from the web and write down your activities, or try this simple printable tracker to assess your time honestly.

Step 2, is to take a little chunk of time and build a fence around it, for writing. It can be small, but put it on your calendar and DO NOT VIOLATE that time. No social media, no interruptions, no list-making. Just write.

Step 3, once you’ve had your first success is to CELEBRATE. Seriously, it will reinforce the good behaviour in your brain, and make you want to do it again.

Step 4, is to build on that success. Perhaps you’d like to hear about the three-legged stool of writing success, and build your own?

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