Are you joining us at the Plan AHEAD workshop and celebration on May 31? Check your email for your invitation

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The Plan AHEAD Workshop and Celebration will return...

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If you want to build your writing practice, a supportive community of fellow writers makes all the difference to your progress and persistence. Join us for  co-working writing dates, resource sharing, feedback groups, online support, workshops and more. 


registration will open again in a few months. Click 'find out more' to join the wait list.

Build Your Skills, Weekly

..with 52 weekly writing lesson and prompt delivered over a whole year. 

This weekly invitation to engage deeply with the art of writing is the perfect way to build up your writing life and practice.

A Quick Win

…with this self-paced, online writing retreat where I’ll walk you through the key elements of successful short stories over three days.

You’ll emerge with three completed first drafts you can revise and share, along with a better understanding of your best writing practices.

StoryADay May 2025

Never wonder "what should I write today?" again!

Improve your storytelling skills

Build a focused writing practice

Supercharge your creativity as part of the StoryADay May Challenge - daily writing prompts and community chat during May!

PLUS: Get the Keep Writing Workbook today

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