A StoryADay Statement on This Moment in Time

The USA is in turmoil.

As writers, our job is to examine the human condition. Whether we are writing fluffy and frothy tales or deep, sociological works, our business is the business of truth.

The truth, in this country, is that the words “Black Lives Matter” need to be shouted until it becomes as obvious to everyone as it is to most of us.

It shouldn’t need to be said.

But it does need to be said.

I don’t often invite debate about anything that could be controversial or on which well-meaning people could reasonably take different sides…and that hasn’t changed. This is not a controversial statement, as far as I’m concerned. Black Lives Matter. Black voices need to be amplified.

StoryADay’s official position (by which, I mean my position, and my hope for this community) is that all are welcome here, and our hands are extended to anyone who has been marginalized. (You can read the StoryADay Community Standards documents here.)

I’ll be working to put in place some scholarships for future courses, for people of color, people who are suffering because of COVID-19, and people from other historically-marginalized groups.

In the meantime, I’d invite you to consider donating to a bail fund, to help protestors who are being financially impacted and risking health consequences during this pandemic, because they are taking a stand in public.

I’d also encourage you to use your awesome writing skills and empathy to communicate with your elected officials and ask them what they are doing about police body cameras, discriminatory policies, and economic inequality (particularly the types enhanced by historical discrimination) and to let them know you expect them to do better.

I can’t tell you what to do. I can tell you that I hope StoryADay is a place of inclusion and support for all well-meaning people.

I also invite you to tell ME what you need, or what I’m doing that might be harmful.

As writers, we have magical powers: the power to create visions of the world as we would like it to be. Those visions shape people’s actions. Use your gifts wisely.

3 thoughts on “A StoryADay Statement on This Moment in Time”

  1. Thank you for this, Julie, especially for the link to The Bail Project. Bail fund donations to both national and local organizations* are necessary, not just to bail out protesters during this crisis, but to bail out anyone involved in the criminal justice system. Here in CT, Connecticut Bail Fund also has a separate Immigration Bail Fund to assist people in ICE detention who are fighting deportation. *If anyone wants to donate to a bail fund but would prefer to help their local neighbors, here is a a list of bail funds by state. (I don’t know how to make it a hyberlink, so anyone who wants to use it will have to cut & paste into their browser.) https://bailfunds.github.io/

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