So, only four days left until we begin our Story A Day challenge.
Nervous? Thinking about backing out? Yeah, me too 😉
Some Things To Expect From Me
Daily Prompts
I’m going to be posting a daily prompt, which you should feel free to use or ignore. The prompt will be on this blog, but you can also
- Subscribe to the Daily Prompt in your RSS reader,
- Subscribe to the Daily Prompt by email,
- Watch for it on Twitter,
- Find it at the Facebook fan page.
(I think I’ve got most of my bases covered there but if you have somewhere you’d like it to appear, let me know and I’ll look into it.
Articles & Interviews
I’m also going to continue posting articles on the craft of writing.
- Subscribe to the feed in your RSS reader,
- Subscribe to the blog by email,
- Follow on Twitter,
- Catch updates at the Facebook page.
There might be videos and audio, and you should certainly feel free to post the same kind of things.
I may not post my actual stories every day, but I will be posting a log of my writing at in my personal Story A Day journal.
Places You Can Post Your Progress
If you’d like everyone here to know that you have written your story for the day, post about your progress in the Victory Dance group.
You can also post in your personal Story A Day blog or on your own blog, if you have one.
If you need inspiration, check out the posts on this blog, the resources page, and the various Story A day groups.