Your Roadmap to Success

In this video I talk about fears, identity and community

Last time, we talked about whether you’re meeting your goals as a writer. (If you haven’t seen that yet, you can access that content here. )

This time I want to help you create a roadmap to move you from your vision of yourself as a writer, through some practical step to the reality of you: as a writer.

Use these videos to walk you through the Creative Challenge Workbook. Don’t have a copy? Request one here.

Part 1: What If

Daydreaming your way to success…

Part 2: Get Inspired

Fill up your creative well!

Part 3: Be Prepared

Create a practical plan for getting the work done!

Leave a comment below, telling me what your biggest discovery was, during this process, or how you’re feeling about the upcoming challenge.

5 thoughts on “Your Roadmap to Success”

    Founder & Director

    Dear Julie

    Thank you and your staff for offering a wide range of tools for writers and writing. I am moderator of an active group of writers in Morgantown WV. We host Critique Workshops twice a month, and review 60 manuscripts a year; we have a core of 16 writers (many hold jobs, raise youngsters, or are retired writers). We’ve done Writers Challenges, Write Ins, and Retreats. Many have published SS online, or print and ebook novels, and/or won awards in competitions.

    I maintain a wider list serve of 30 writers in north central WV; and I have been engaged as an officer with WVW, Inc., a state writers organization, which hosts an annual 3-day conference in June and offers an annual writing contest.

    I’d like to promote Story a Day to our writers group. Second, I’d like to inquire about your list of workshops (which I’ve read) for travel here in future.

    Let’s stay in touch.
    George M. Lies
    Morgantown Writers Group
    Founded January 1994

  2. I’ve just completed part one above (What If). I’m so inspired I’m jumping out of my skin. How did I find you, Julia? I avoid all forms of self help programs like the plague, especially ones that claim to make me a better writer, having learned from sad experience that none speak convincingly to my problem, which is two-fold: Write daily, and complete writing projects. Result: Pain. As in, what the hell is my problem? I know I can write…I just don’t do it, beyond dashing off thoughts and observations (I have boxes of these poor homeless bits). You clearly have intimate experience of my problem. More importantly, you also have solutions that resonate deeply for me. Thank you.

    1. Oh, I’m so glad to hear it’s helping.

      And yes, you’ll hear me complain that my schools never offered any creative writing programs but the reality is I may have blocked out all mention of them because I used to resist any attempt to teach me how to do this. Then I realized that there’s a lot I can’t do on my own! Humbling and useful 😉

      If it sounds like I know what you’re going through…it’s because it is my story too! Glad you found us.

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