StoryADay 2017
Use this form to provide a prompt or email: Julie
For StoryADay May 2017, please provide your prompt by Tuesday, April 18, 2017
For the weekly Write On Wednesday prompt, submit any time (but email me, to let me know you have)
- Prompts can be a single word or a paragraph. They can inspire a mood or set a scene.
- Please make sure the prompt can be used for a complete short story (not “write a character sketch of an old man”).
- You can include and introduction and/or tips, or simply provide the prompt.
- You may choose to come and be involved in the blog comment discussion on the day your prompt is featured, but this is optional.
- Please make this as easy on yourself as you can. I appreciate your contribution!
- Download a PDF copy of these instructions.
- Please include a short bio, e.g. Julie Duffy is a writer and the host of the StoryADay May writing challenge. You can find her on Twitter (@storyadaymay)
- If you would like to include artwork (your headshot or a product picture, send them to Julie at the same time as you send your prompt/fill out the form.
- It’s best to include fewer links than more in a bio.
- You may use affiliate links to your books. Feel free to create a custom link to a sales page at your site, with tracking IDs, if that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in. (The StoryADay Privacy Policy page informs people that the site uses cookies and affiliate links.)
Since 2010, thousands of writers have used StoryADay’s month-long challenges to spark their creativity, write stories for practice and publication, and become part of the writing community. Welcome (back) to our StADA community! And thanks!