Welcome To StoryADay 2020!

I’m so thrilled you’ll be joining us!

You’re doing an amazing thing for your writing life, by making this commitment and joining this community

What’s Next?

1. The WRITER Code Workshop

I’ll start sending you writing prompts on May 1, but before that I’m going to send you a three-part series called The WRITER Code, starting on Sunday, April 19.

The WRITER Code will introduce you to the new, 6-part formula for success that I’ll be diving deeper into, during StoryADay May this year.

We’ll walk through not just how to write a lot, but how to build the practices that will let you become more productive, more creative, more successful and how to chill out and enjoy the process of writing.

2. Join the StoryADay Superstars

If you’re interested in going deeper, and finding a community that will help you become more creative, more productive, let me introduce you to the

StoryADay Superstars

3. Your Creativity Bundle

Productivity Bundle sign up button

Before the workshop and the challenge, here’s a bundle of creativity tools you can download and use to prepare for the challenge.

I recommend

  • starting with the Story Spark Bundle (start collection ideas today!),
  • then working through the Creative Challenge Workbook
  • and then, on the eve of the Challenge, the Keep Writing Workbook!

4. Tell The World

"I'm writing a StoryADay May 2020" 
Participant Badge 500 px x 230 px

One of the things that works best, during a challenge like this, is accountability.

Tell the world you’re participating, on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, wherever you hang out online.

Use the hashtags #StoryADayMay and #StADa2020

Use graphics to make it more real!

"I'm writing a StoryADay May 2020" 
Participant Badge 500 px x 230 px
"I'm writing a StoryADay May 2020" 
Participant Badge for Twitter 440 px wide
"I'm writing a StoryADay May 2020" 
Participant badge for Facebook/IG 400 x 400
"I'm writing a StoryADay May 2020" 
Participant badge for blog sidebars 200 x 96
"I'm writing a StoryADay May 2020" 
Participant badge for blog sidebars 150 x 69

Make this the year you stop waiting for the perfect time to write.

It’s not a question of how hard it is. It’s a question of what it’s worth.

Let’s write!

Julie Duffy workshop
Julie's signature