If you have resources for storytellers, writers, parents, teachers, bored adults, in this time of house-bound-ness, please share them in the comments.
Me? I’m watching a lot of zoo and aquarium live feeds 😉
If you have resources for storytellers, writers, parents, teachers, bored adults, in this time of house-bound-ness, please share them in the comments.
Me? I’m watching a lot of zoo and aquarium live feeds 😉
Debbie Ohi is posting children’s book read-aloud links and art activities on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/debbieohi
The Stay At Home Music Festival calendar: https://www.stayathomefest.com/#events
Learn to make muffins with Kara’s Cake Art: https://www.facebook.com/KarasCoutureCakes/videos/2838186786264433/
(fave quote from this video: “granted, a tough muffin is probably better than no muffin, but…”)
Learn to juggle with Kara & Barry: https://www.facebook.com/KarasCoutureCakes/videos/259682651691774/
(all you need is three plastic grocery bags)
For teachers who suddenly have to become online instruction experts, here, have a quick’n’reassuring training course from…and online instruction expert!
Zoos with livestreams/classes
My local zoo, Elmwood Park Zoo’s Facebook feed has aZoo School
Smithsonian’s Giant Panda Cam
Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Live Streams
Houston Zoo’s webcams and their Facebook Home Safaris
San Diego Zoo’s Breakfast with the Galapagos Turtles
Live cameras from the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD, USA
And the Cincinnati Zoo’s Facebook Live classes, sometimes featuring Fiona the baby hippo
Big List of Children’s Authors Doing Read-A-Louds: https://www.weareteachers.com/virtual-author-activities/