SWAGr for Sept 2018

Post your goals for this month and let us know how you got on with last month’s goals.

What people are saying about StoryADayMay 2014

Leave a comment below telling us how you got on last month, and what you plan to do next month, then check back in on the first of each month, to see how everyone’s doing.

(It doesn’t have to be fiction. Feel free to use this group to push you in whatever creative direction you need.)

Did you live up to your commitment from last month? Don’t remember what you promised to do? Check out the comments from last month.

And don’t forget to celebrate with/encourage your fellow SWAGr-ers on their progress!

Download your SWAGr Tracking Sheet now, to keep track of your commitments this month


Examples of Goals Set By SWAGr-ers in previous months

  • Write a story a day in May – everyone!
  • Revise at least 10 short stories – Iraide
  • Write two short stories. – Jami
  • Attend one writers’ conference – Julie
  • Write fable for WordFactory competition – Sonya
  • Re-read the backstory pieces I wrote in May and see if I can use them within my novel – Monique
  • Research the market – Jami
  • Focus on my serial – Maureen

 So, what will you accomplish this month? Leave your comment below (use the drop-down option to subscribe to the comments and receive lovely, encouraging notifications from fellow StADa SWAGr-ers!)

(Next check-in, 1st of the month. Tell your friends!)

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30 thoughts on “SWAGr for Sept 2018”

  1. I let work and overtime wipe out forward progress on my work in progress. This month I’m foregoing story a day to focus on revising a novel I’ve been hiding from for 15 years and getting back on track with the wip.

  2. This is my first time here… so *deep breath*
    August was a washout for a variety of reasons, I read a lot and thought a lot about writing but am determined to get back into the flow… so

    September Goals:

    1. Complete edit of current fantasy manuscript (74k)
    2. Review World Building of #1
    3. Plan Blog posts for last quarter of 2018 (currently post twice a week)
    4. Complete new website for fantasy genre
    5. Create a guided journal for NaNoWriMo or equivalent

  3. Hello – First time doing this challenge 🙂 Goals for Sept:

    Write a story a day
    Attend one writing class
    Research article writing market
    Focus on newsletter subscribers

    Good luck to everyone!

  4. My goal for this summer was to submit my first piece and, on July 31, I did with 10 minutes left on the deadline. I then realized that had not put page numbers on my submission. Oh, well. I submitted! My goals for September are to:

    1. Write a story a day. It may be one of the prompts here or a story that has been sitting in my head.
    2. Type up and put in some form of order the notes that I have spread out all over for my book.
    3. Read one book on writing that I have been saving for …when I have time.
    4. Work on my goal before noon of each day so that it is actually accomplished.

  5. My goal for September: get back into writing and complete one story a day. Edit and submit one story by the end of the month.

  6. It may not surprise you to hear that I’ve been a bit busy today.
    I’ll check in later (or maybe tomorrow) with my commitments and to read all yours.
    Woo September!!

  7. This month, I did some of the playing with my characters that I planned to do. I also almost finished a blog post that I’ve been putting off for 4 months. At the beginning of this month, I’m going to finish editing that blog post, and I’m going to format it, add pictures, and post it. With the time left in the month, I’m going to take the StoryADay September prompts and apply them to characters and situations relating to my novel-in-progress.

  8. Hi, all!

    My plans for August were:
    *to finish the novel editing AND I DID! There were some bits and pieces that I thought I should change, but I wanted feedback, so I asked my 19 year old daughter to read it. She agreed with my concerns (brought most of them up herself), so I’m going to make those changes.
    *work further on the new novel: I did this, too. I bought the Story Genius book and am using it (it is great, thank you so much for mentioning it, Julie!).
    *a couple of calls for submission for short stories that I am interested in, so I will try to squeeze in a short story or two: I completed (and submitted and had rejected) one, started a couple of others.

    So, September. I’m doing Story A Day. As with May, my plan is to do complete 20 (rather short) stories. I also have a few stories I’m working on for pending submission deadlines, and want to get back to novel 1. However, given my workload this month, I’ll be happy if I manage Story A Day.

    Best of luck, all.

  9. My goals for this month:
    1) write a story a day
    2) hopefully one of these short stories will lead to an idea for NaNoWriMo

  10. Hello everyone!

    First timer here! I signed up for StoryADay to motivate me to pick up the memoir I’ve been writing. Here is my list…
    1. Write a story (scene) a day.
    2. publish two blog posts a week
    3. After reading the other comments.. I will dabble in Scrivener
    4. Read other memoirs, hopefully at least 2-3 this month.
    I’m looking forward to the challenge!

  11. I am going to keep September simple: write one story per day.
    I will attend at least 1 IRL writing group meeting.
    I will post at least once a week on the blog.
    I am starting some new writing projects and groups with 7th graders at work this month and I am super excited about that program.

    I have not been reading as much as normal lately. My reading diet has consisted of short stories and blogs mostly. Winter is coming though so I will have more time soon…maybe! ha ha

  12. Well, I didn’t do so well in getting all of the August goals accomplished. Here is the rundown:

    Committed for August
    * 1. Continue to write and post to the blog every day (with 2 posts on Sunday). 100%
    * 2. Finish Plot & Structure. 100%
    – 3. Finish The emotional craft of fiction 57%
    4. Write one short story (3,000 – 5,000 words) each week Total 5 0%
    5. Submit one Flash Fiction story to a contest 0%
    – 6. Write and finish Salem outline 25%
    * 7. Attend a critique group meeting 100%

    Additions to August
    * Added Daily Quotes to Blog 100%
    * Read Fast Fiction 100%

    And this is the list for September:

    1. Continue to write and post to the blog every day (with 2 posts on Sunday).
    2. Continue Daily Quotes on Blog
    3. Story a Day Challenge (one completed story for 31 days) target 3,000 words
    4. Finish The emotional craft of fiction
    5. Submit one Flash Fiction story to a contest
    6. Write and finish Salem outline
    7. Attend a critique group meeting
    8. Read ARC

  13. I managed to blog quite regukarlarly last month, but that was the extent of my writing. So my goal I. September is to try and write every day- anything at all. I may or may not publish everything on my blog but that’s secondary. And like Fleet (happy bday in advance!!), I’ve got a few other things planned in for September too! So let’s see how this goes😊

  14. My first Storyaday and I am in the chair writing. Goal is to meet the challenge – one story a day. Best wishes, everyone. I’m rooting for you.

  15. First timer here, and I’m excited to get started!
    Goals for this month:
    Actually write a story a day, instead of just thinking about it
    Go through all of my morning page journals, and organize what I’ve already written – I’ve been putting that off for months
    Read a book on crafting, probably Bird by Bird
    And, learn how to use Scrivener
    Have a good day everyone!

    1. First time for me, as well, Deirdre. Your list reads eerily like mine. I also keep morning pages, have read Bird by Bird, am a novice user of Scrivener and am excited. I got your back.

    2. Yay!

      I found StoryADay a great time to experiment with Scrivener. I started a project for StoryADay and keep all the stories separate, but then I can create folders/sections after the month is over and group them by theme or length or whatever.

      You could also experiment with the “research” part of the folder by dragging in StoryADay prompts from the site, or by making notes for yourself, collecting pictures of characters etc.

      It’s a good way to dip your toe in the Scrivener water without the overwhelm of a novel-length project.

  16. Last month I just wanted to get writing again and I managed it!
    I’ve penned a couple of drabbles and revised two short stories, I’ve also started another short story which has a deadline at the end of September so I better get on with it!
    Back to school, so it’s going to be a tough month. Have a great one!

  17. This month I need to complete a revision on my 40k word story, write 1 short story a week and catch up on my Goodreads challenge.

    I’m a little behind 😅

  18. Goal for this month: Finish the stories I’ve got assigned for a fic exchange, go through revisions/edits on my spy short story, sign up for more exchanges, oh, and, of course, write every day this month!

    And some time in all of that, find time to read the eleven books I checked out from the library, plus the two ARCs I have to read. In the middle of all that is my birthday, which may be the one day I don’t write. Busy busy busy!

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