An Interview with StoryADay regular, Monique Cuillerier
Where were you in your writing journey before your first StoryADay?
My first StoryADay (in 2011, I looked it up) came a few years after I started to take my writing seriously. I had not yet had anything published.
Where are you now?
Eight years later, I have had more than a handful of short stories published and I have a novel about ready to send to potential publishers (and am well into another).
My writing practice has greatly matured. I’m very happy about all of that.
(I also still feel very insecure about it and as if I’m not as far along as I “should” be, but that’s life.)
What do you consider your biggest writing success?
Generally, I feel like establishing a solid writing practice is my biggest success. More particularly, I had a story published last year (Leaving, in the anthology Bikes Not Rockets) that I am really proud of, more than others.
What has being part of this community done for your writing life?
This community has always felt supportive and welcoming. It has provided me with external accountability, which I rely on. All in all, it’s just a great place.
You can read more from Monique at