Writing prompt – What is soothing?
A 0:1:15-long dose of inspiration
A 0:1:15-long dose of inspiration
Today’s Story Spark/Writing Prompt is an example of how you can use events from your real life (I was really under the weather, as you can hear).
There are lots of events we’d rather not live through in our lives. Why not exorcise the demons, by inflicting them on our characters.
Things going to easily for your character, as they scale the rockface to rescue the kitten? Make them do it while battling a nasty head cold! Boss cut back your hours? Throw the same challenge at your protagonist and let them act out your wildest revenge fantasies or let them be the best, most resourceful version that you hope you will be. Inspire yourself!
Keep writing!
Learn from my mistake and triumphs, kiddoes…
Towards the end of the challenge, I’m noticing something about the people who are participating in the challenge: they’re getting more comfortable with tretaing the challenge as a support, not a cage.
What kind of support do you need, around your writing life?
Want to participate on your own schedule, get the StoryADay Challenge Handbook
Learn from my mistake and triumphs, kiddoes…
Haven’t joined the challenge yet? Do that here
Want to participate on your own schedule, get the StoryADay Challenge Handbook
Learn from my mistake and triumphs, kiddoes…
An update from my StoryADay Challenge including travel; a migraine; whether or not writing streaks matter; and what to do when you don’t stick to your own rules for the challenge…
Haven’t joined the challenge yet? Do that here
Want to participate on your own schedule, get the StoryADay Challenge Handbook