Tell Me What You Want

Tell me what you want, with a picture of a notepad and the word 'goals'

(What you really, really want…)

At some point, you started following me: maybe for writing prompts (like these), maybe for inspiration and recommendations (like this), or maybe for something else entirely.

As I hatch plans for the coming year, I’d love to know how I can help you, best?

What do you need more of? What could you take less of?

How can I help you pursue your dreams?

I’d love it if you’d fill out this 2-question survey

(People often find that answering the questions helps them clarify where they need to focus.)

If you didn’t make it to our Annual Planning Workshop, this week, this exercise can be a springboard into your own end-of-year assessment/planning.

​Answer the questions here​

Keep writing,


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StoryADay May 2025

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