Sign up now and join me and other writers in the StoryADay Virtual Writing Room for 90 minutes of writing sprints and chat.
Check out our Community Guidelines here.
BOTH Virtual Writers’ Room Dates, Nov 15 & Nov 29, 9pm Eastern
Can’t make both dates? No problem. Sign up individually here:
Virtual Writers’ Room, Thursday, November 15, 9pm Eastern
Virtual Writers’ Room, Thursday, November 15, 9pm Eastern

What are you getting into?
Are you getting enough writing done? I’ve got a secret weapon for you, coming up this month to help super-charge your writing.
This secret weapon has helped me write 22570 words in the past 14 days. I’m almost at the midpoint of a brand-new novel.
And, I’m one of the slowest writers in the group!
Wouldn’t You Like To Write More?
Somewhat unsurprisingly a lot of people who like the idea of StoryADay also take part in NaNoWriMo, the write-a-novel-in-a-month challenge that dares people to write a 50,000 word novel in just 30 days
This year I launched something to help you crazy people write more. It’s a way to stay connected and accountable to other writers who you may already know from the StoryADay community.
And now I’m inviting you to join us.
Join Our Live Writer’s Room
There are two opportunities this month for you to join a group of StoryADay writers for a live, virtual writers’ room
When: Thursday, November 15th at 9-10:30 PM Eastern, and/or Thursday, November 29 at 9-10:30 PM Eastern
(Check your time zone here)
What: Hosted on the Zoom platform, we hang out on video together, do ‘writing sprints’ for 15 minutes, take a break to chat, and repeat until our fingers fall off (not really)
How: Sign up above
Who: This invitation has been sent to the whole StoryADay community but you’ll find some of our most dedicated Superstar members in the room, ready to welcome you on Thursday.
IMPORTANT INFO: Check out the new community guidelines here before you sign up.