I love stealing inspiration from other sources.
The Prompt
Write A Story Based On A Character or Scenario From A Game
- This could be a scenario from a video game or a board game (what if you WERE Mario — or met him on the road? What if you were Miss Scarlet. Were you framed?)
- What if you really were living on a farm, trying to meet all its demands, like Farmville?
What if you were a character in a Sims-like game and gradually started to realize that was the case? - Think of any game you’ve ever played and use it as a jumping-off point for a story.
- If you think you might publish the story, be sure not to step on anyone else’s copyright (you could use a different “colored” character from a mystery board game that was definitely not Clue/Cluedo)
My story for this prompt (using the game Diablo 2):
The Friendship At Diablo’s Place.
Hello! It’s great to be back with Story A Day! http://starvingactivist.wordpress.com/2013/04/25/story-a-day-prompt-25-april-2013-me-vs-zombies/
I liked your story. It was a great read, but just a little to short. Even if I never played this game before, it was understandable by the end. And the ending with the mum… it was great. Too bad she doesn’t understand the power of the flowers.