2019 Day 6 – A Fresh Genre

How did you get on yesterday? Did you write a story?

Remember, set your own rules, and stick to them. If you miss a day, don’t try to catch up. Just keep moving forward!

The Prompt


It’s easy to get stuck in a rut.

Writing in a different genre (or mashing two genres together) can be a wonderful way to freshen things up.

So what are you going to write today? A romance? A mystery? A Sci-Fi-Punk-Rock-Thriller?


Check back every day for more prompts, and don’t forget to come back and leave a comment to celebrate your writing successes, every day!

48 thoughts on “2019 Day 6 – A Fresh Genre”

  1. I worked on a new chapter for the western romance novel I’ve had in my computer for a while. I have a pretty extensive outline already. Took a few minutes to get back into the story line, but once I did, it felt good. I am determined to write each day this month and not be critical of these messy drafts.

  2. Today I wrote a short about a man stranded on another planet, who has trained himself to impersonate the native species (who happen to be human sized moles). I’m pretty sure I could expand it into something longer.

  3. I wrote a romance- two seniors meet via their dogs at the dog park, Their friendship gradually morphs into love over walks, talks, lunches and shared interests.

    1. There’s a long and proud history of short stories doing so. Just pencil it in for next month…or maybe November 😉

  4. I decided to write the outline for a Romance novel and, although I don’t usually read romance novels, the outline is ok. The execution of it, if I decide to write my idea, might be very difficult though, as I don’t want be unrealistic and cringe worthy!

    1. If you do decide to go ahead, I recommend plunging into the genre and seeing how the best writers walk that line (I mean, with Romance, you always know they’re going to end up together. We have to give up the idea that THAT alone is cheesy. The fun of the thing is in HOW they get there…)

  5. September Day 6. Fresh genre.
    I’ve decided to try a mystery!
    I went for a long walk and played with ideas in my head. I got the opening very quickly and got a few ‘twists and turns ‘ ideas. I wrote much of the story in one go but went for another walk to thrash out an ending. I got the actual ending in my head but began writing without knowing how I would manoeuvre to where I wanted it to end. It was one of those magical times when my pen took over! I wrote 1170 words. It needs a great deal of tidying up but I like the basic story. I’ve surprised myself.

  6. I tried to write a psychological thriller, in the form of a short story. Gosh, its hard. I’m already 1300 words in and I’m nearly there at the ending, but just stuck on how to end it in a way that satisfies me. I’ll just have to think about the ending for the rest of the day today and finish the story tomorrow 🙂

  7. I changed my genre and experimented with a thriller. It was based on human trafficking and the central character was a girl who had escaped from her gang master. I wrote about 250 words and I have a rough draft which I am going to enjoy working on.

  8. Hey Julie, I finally found my way to the comments again, thanks for showing me how! Hi everybody, I just want to share that I’m learning a ton by doing this challenge, and I’ve written every day. I can feel the reality of becoming a writer with a daily practice, which is not something I’d ever thought to achieve. Anyhow, here’s to Julie and all the participants! Huzzah!

    1. Hi Dawn, glad we figured that out, but even more glad you’re writing so much. Well done (and welcome!)

  9. I took Friday-Sunday off because writing at a science fiction convention just wasn’t going to happen. Too much going on. 🙂

    However, I started on the new genre for me on Day 2 (and it’s sitting unfinished, sadly), so today’s piece is more a combination of Day 4 (they reference a third character, but there’s just Anne and James actually in it) and 5 since I’ve been making sure to at least get a 100 word drabble done even if the longer piece is left languishing unfinished.

    Exchange of Favours

  10. Woo-hoo! Wasn’t sure I was going to get my story done today, but a 90 minute hangout with the StoryADay Superstars provided the focus and writing sprints I needed. Ended up with my longest story yet, this month!

  11. I took Sunday off but am back today. I was a little apprehensive this evening, asking my wife, “How did I do that last week?” The prompt reminded me of a spark I’d had, about the mysterious “circumstances beyond his control” preventing a famous horror writer from attending StokerCon… so I had to try horror. Or the best version I could muster. It was lots of fun to write, and I’m back in the rhythm.

    1. Yeah, who would say that to a room full of writers?! I wonder how many other stories that sparked 😉

  12. I imprinted on the philosophical story trope. I am finding I am able to convey some more complex ideas because my skill has increased. I’m super happy with 1600 words today.

    1. Hi Milton, We don’t have access to see the story. You’ll have to change the permissions in Google Docs.
      But well done! You’re writing and that’s good enough for me 😉

  13. Just saying hi. I’m writing 800 words a day, which for me is about a story a day within my memoir. Hope it’s okay to be here! This is the most I’ve written in years.

    1. That’s awesome! And yes, use this challenge any way that works for you. Happy to hear you’re writing !

    1. Well the title is certainly intriguing…I’m not going to be able to resist clicking on that.

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