2019 Day 15 -Feelings

How did you get on yesterday? Did you write a story?

Remember, set your own rules, and stick to them. If you miss a day, don’t try to catch up. Just keep moving forward!

The Prompt

Write A story in three different moods

This begins a week of prompts designed to get you to play with form.

Short stories are not mini-novels and they needn’t read that way.

Jump around between characters in this one. Jump around in time. Do whatever you need to, to give your story three distinct sections and three different emotions.

Make sure to make your characters sound like real people, not actors on a stage reading soliloquies.


Check back every day for more prompts, and don’t forget to come back and leave a comment to celebrate your writing successes, every day!

19 thoughts on “2019 Day 15 -Feelings”

  1. I wrote a scene featuring three 12 year old characters getting ready for their day of an exam. The three characters are different and have different thoughts in terms of preparedness and their feelings for the exam. I had fun writing this one.. maybe I can build on this later as well!😊

  2. I’ve written two different short pieces, neither of which I’m liking. But I got a fair amount of writing done today 🙂

  3. Synopsis:
    Section 1
    Official meeting to plan the 27th annual Women’s Club Ladies Fall Luncheon fund raiser. Festering conflict underlies the meeting as newcomers suggest alternate ways and the old hands cling to what’s always been. Emotions: anger, frustration, resignation.
    Unofficial meeting held at one of the newbies’ homes where, over wine and nibblies the rebels brainstorm ideas and think of ways to bring about subtle change. Emotions: frustration, cynicism, happiness, glee(perhaps wine induced)

    Section 2
    The preparation, lead up and event. Subtle manipulation throughout brings some change although much of what was prevails. Emotions: Frustration, elation, resignation.

    Section 3
    Event Rehash:
    The official meeting- happiness over success of the event, willingness to accept some of the changes (perceived as having been the idea of the old hands), hidden anger over not receiving recognition for many years of “dedicated” service.
    The unofficial meeting: glee at having bested some of the diehards, pleasure at having had ideas accepted with plans to continue in the future and enthusiasm for continuing to bring change to the club.

  4. Today’s story is called Blood Moon and is written second person, which I never do, but it just seemed to come out that way. It’s a father talking to his son on 3 different nights where they are looking at a blood moon together. It is loosely inspired by someone I knew.

  5. I really enjoyed this prompt. What I have written is really rough, but I like the different moods of the three characters in the story and I really like how the different strands of story come together in the end. I’ll be going back to this story, when the challenge finishes.

  6. September Day 15 Feelings
    I’m excited about my story idea and what I have written so far. It’s not complete but I know where it’s going!
    My story concerns three strangers who are thrown together by circumstances that befall them as pilgrims walking The Camino in Northern Spain.
    There are three back stories that unfold as they walk together. They have three different attitudes to the pilgrimage and when the reach Santiago de Compostella, their reactions are totally different.
    As they part company their plans for their future are shared with several surprising twists.
    So far 1850 words.

  7. Forgot to post yesterday, but I did write. I didn’t quite finish, but I did get 3 perspective. I had wanted to circle back to the first perspective for the ending, but didn’t get a chance. The title is Scenes on a Sunday and it is 3 different responses to the same situation.

  8. Wrote mine pen to paper tonight and found an interesting twist with some secondary characters. The title (to eventually be typed/posted) is “U-Turn.”

  9. Overall, tonight’s story is still very rough, but it did give me my favorite line I’ve written this challenge.

    “Their lips tasted of poison, and I drank deeply, seeking to kill in me that which you raised.”

  10. I’ve written about a wedding day as experienced by 3 different people but it all happens in one house. The emotions are very different ones. I only wrote 605 words so it does need refining and expanding.
    I quite like the idea I’ve had for this story but it needs lots more work in the future sometime

    1. Marian, *loved* the story and definitely ‘borrowing’ Caturday!! Well, my brats make that a daily thing, but that might be another story…

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