2019 Day 21 – One-Sided

How did you get on yesterday? Did you write a story?

Remember, set your own rules, and stick to them. If you miss a day, don’t try to catch up. Just keep moving forward!

The Prompt

Write A Story Where We Only Hear One Side of The Conversation


Check back every day for more prompts, and don’t forget to come back and leave a comment to celebrate your writing successes, every day!

12 thoughts on “2019 Day 21 – One-Sided”

  1. September Day 21 One -Sided Story
    I have written about a conversation between a husband and his wife. We are listening to the wife.
    She is answering him but she is in a coma and cannot talk. Nevertheless she gets a lot of things off her chest.
    950 words

  2. Today’s story is about me and the billing department of the cell phone company we have been loyal customers of since the early 90s. My side of the conversation involves the steps taken, the time required (time I’m never going to get back) and my rapidly increasing frustration as I attempt (successfully in the end; me and my money do not part easily) to have the charges immediately removed for a call that I did not make, to a country I would have no reason to call, and the progression of supervisors spoken to until someone had the “authority” to remove the charge and then offer compensation for the inconvenience caused. Yes, parts of this story are true.

  3. I’ve just realised I didn’t post this! Sorry!

    Shelia sat on the porch of her Alabama home. The air was dusty, hot and stale. She was feeling weak from exhaustion. Increasingly she was finding caring for her old husband more and more difficult. He had become very frail and confused. She had always known what was coming when she had married him. He was never a strong, healthy man. Ironically, it was part of what had attracted her to him. Their relationship, initially, had been slow to develop but, oh my goodness, how that was going to change!
    They had met when she had volunteered to help at the local church. He used to preach there at the time. She loved to hear his distinct, reassuring drawl. Somehow it made her feel safe and at peace with herself for a while.
    She felt herself dozing off in the evening sunlight when she became aware of the sound of a jazz band playing in one of the bars a few streets away. Her mind was transported back to her youth when she would frequent those bars and shimmy the night away in a drunken haze until she was kicked out at closing time. She suspected she would not be alive today, 82 years old, if she had not agreed to help out at the church and met Horace.
    She had so much to thank Horace for even though life was very hard now.
    It was true, they had married under duress. Their relationship, though slow to star, had progressed too quickly for Shelia. Horace, to her surprise, had expected a physical relationship long before she was ready and she quickly became pregnant. In those days the only way to avoid becoming an outcast in your small town was to marry in haste and then claim a premature baby.
    No, Shelia acknowledged to herself, life had been hard, there was no denying and what’s more, Sheila was resolved it was going to get a whole lot harder.

    Word count 1450

  4. I wrote about an overheard telephone conversation where the female concerned was making a complaint about the unsatisfactory service she had received.
    About 895 words. It was great for letting go of pent up anger… even though it was all fictional!!

  5. I’m joining this challenge late. Today was my first prompt. Brilliant exercise to get me writing!

    1. Oh, my gosh, you crazy thing! Granny McOlderson is scarier than the guy in the gorilla mask! LOL Of course, you KNOW I’m going to be playing that game every time I’m around somebody talking full-voice on a phone, don’t you? LOL

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