Day 26 – A Story In Memos

Jul0ei Duffy Writing prompt

The Prompt

Like the list story, this prompt encourages you to break the narrative rules. Let the story unfold through a series of updates, memos, social media posts, a technical manual, or some other document that creates gaps the reader must fill in.

Remember that each memo will be written in real time, reporting on an event, before the character experiences the next ‘episode’ and writes about it.

The Author

Julie Duffy’s Gallup Strengths finders results accuse her of sometimes making logical leaps that other people find it hard to follow…

Read A Book, Support An Indie

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This year’s StoryADay May official bookseller is Reads & Company, a privately-owned indie bookseller in Pennsylvania. Any purchase from the site this month supports Reads & Co.

Leave a comment and let us know how you used the prompt, and how you’re celebrating!

11 thoughts on “Day 26 – A Story In Memos”

  1. I struggled with this one, to be honest. I tried a bunch of different memos, until I figured out who the memo was to and from. URGENT MEMORANDUM TO SELFIE is about a selfie asking the selfie-stick wielder to use a filter so that they can get more dates. It becomes quite dark and disturbing in the end. Quite a surprise for me.

    I fell down the rabbit hole of unusual structures in fiction. Wow, there’s a lot of amazing stories out there. I can see I have a lot of reading to do. 🙂

  2. I was so excited about this prompt, but got practically nowhere beyond conceptualizing. So many possibilities! Will definitely be chewing on this one for a while, and when I finally get to it it’s going to be amazing (I hope)!

  3. Today’s story was another “I never write this kind of stuff” structure: SO FUN. I wrote a satire piece about power, lies, and gossip, and managed to work in several mite and spider species, so also hitting my side goal of every story has a reference to an insect. Is it any good? Who knows? Fun to write, and out of the box for sure!

  4. A fascinating prompt which really made me unpick my story before putting it on paper. It proved a valuable exercise and was great fun. I surprised myself with where the story took me!

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