Welcome to the Serious Writers’ Accountability Group!
Post your goals for this month and let us know how you got on with last month’s goals.

Leave a comment below telling us how you got on last month, and what you plan to do next month, then check back in on the first of each month, to see how everyone’s doing.
(It doesn’t have to be fiction. Feel free to use this group to push you in whatever creative direction you need.)
Did you live up to your commitment from last month? Don’t remember what you promised to do? Check out the comments from last month.
And don’t forget to celebrate with/encourage your fellow SWAGr-ers on their progress!
Download your SWAGr Tracking Sheet now, to keep track of your commitments this month
Examples of Goals Set By SWAGr-ers in previous months
- Finish first draft of story and write 3 articles for my school paper. – Courtney
- Write on seven days this month – Clare
- Extend my reading and to read with a ‘writers eye’- Wendy
- write 10,000 words – Mary Lou
So, what will you accomplish this month? Leave your comment below (use the drop-down option to subscribe to the comments and receive lovely, encouraging notifications from fellow StADa SWAGr-ers!)
(Next check-in, 1st of the month. Tell your friends!)
I only managed one and a alf stories per week, but it was enough. For August I am going to work only on revising ad submitting, at least three stories a week. Wish me luck!
SWAGr track sheet link broken. Trying to get it
Thanks for letting me know. You can get it here: https://storyaday.org/swagr-signup/
Work on Novellas Short Stories and Flash. And read some.
I’m late posting but. Didn’t get any writing done in May. Hoping June is different will let you know later. LOL
The only goal I posted last month that I completed was to finish updating and to publish the new version of my website.
I’m already behind and posting for this month, but here are my goals for June:
To work on my novel for at least one hour each day, especially on character arcs.
To submit four poems to a collection that my former colleagues are putting together. Yay! I finally got this one yesterday. I’ve been trying to make myself do it for couple of months. I’m starting this month off better on the writing front than I have for several months.
The only goal I posted last month that I completed was to finish updating and to publish the new version of my website.
I’m already behind and posting for this month, but here are my goals for June:
To work on my novel for at least one hour each day, especially in character arcs.
To submit four poems to a collection that my former colleagues are putting together. Yay! I finally got this one yesterday. I’ve been trying to make myself do it for couple of months. I’m starting this month off better on the writing front then I have for several months.
MAY I achieved:-
At long last I have solved my storage issues.
I continued daily habits….
Reading with writer’s eye, keeping notes on things that impress me and collected Story Sparks.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing a Storyaday with Julie’s support.
I researched and started the next chapter of my novel.
Face the challenge of keeping up my writing as life gets back to normal. This means doing my daily writing and reading habits and working daily on my novel.
Attend my Novel Surgery group in person not on zoom.
Attend my Book Group in person and not on zoom.
Let’s take a moment to look back….
*fire rages, sirens blare, a child weeps in the foreground*
May’s goals:
~Story A Day in May, yay!!//DONE!
~Drop some big bangs and DO NOT SIGN UP FOR MORE FOR THE LOVE OF !!!//hehehehehe…….
~Fandom 5k: 5,000 words, might drop//DROPPED
~Hurt/Comfort: 1,000 words, might drop//DROPPED
~Stork Swap: 1,000 words, don’t want to drop//WROTE
~Multifandom Drabble Exchange: Max 300 words, probably won’t drop//WROTE
~Holmestice: 1,000 words, REALLY don’t want to drop//WROTE
~Soul 2 Soul: 1,000 words, Idea already made//WROTE
And that’s enough of that!
June Goals:
I’ve already failed at the “no more sign ups” thing, but I’ve accepted this about myself.
~DD Zine: Must finish
~UC: Write
~NC: Begin or drop
~RE: Begin or drop
~LBD: Begin or drop
~UF: Begin or drop
Hello, and a happy june to you all!
I am currently starting to explore a more serious, committed relationship with my writing, and I just finished a coaching session where I discussed this exact topic. So seeing the email in my inbox was definitely a delightful and welcome synchronicity! 🥰
So this month, my goals are to:
– Dedicate an hour each day to my book!
– Write (as in, FINISH, 100% of) one creative piece a week (poetry, prose, fiction, or perhaps non-fiction as well.)
– Don’t let my organization system fall by the wayside!!!
Excited and inspired and willing to do my best and learn no matter the outcome!
Best wishes, and take care everyone!
In May I wrote to the prompts every ding dong day, yay! I went to morning sprints on the regular (3x per week), pretty sure I didn’t miss any … maybe one.
In June:
Finish chapters work up for Elemental Girl
Write summary for Elemental Girl
Supply 6 stories to some friends for specialized critique
Submit at least twice
Hi everyone! First time posting 🙂 I wanted to do StADa May, but way too much was going on. This month I’m setting some more realistic (maybe) goals…
1. Write 5,000 words this month.
2. Make progress on my children’s book, specifically revisions after the editor sends my manuscript back and finding an illustrator.
3. Finish rough drafts on two unfinished short stories from earlier this year (baby diary and Christmas petit fours).
Wish me luck everyone! Hopefully putting these goals out there for the world to see will push me to actually do them 😅😅
I wrote 31 stories and reflected on my blog about my process.
Next month I will read a poem, essay, and short story and use them for revision. I will blog about that at least 3 days a week ( but probably will daily).
Here is day 1 https://tammysreadinglife.wordpress.com/2021/06/01/bradbury-revision-challenge-day-1/
Go, Tammy, go, Tammy!