What Is StoryADay

What Is StoryADay?

The Basics

StoryADay is a creativity challenge:
Write (and finish) a short story every day during May and/or September.

(or on your own schedule!)

StoryADay exists to promote creativity, not to teach you how to ‘be a published writer’.
(And sometimes we do it all over again in September.)

Year ‘Round Extras
  • SWAGr – On the first of every month, join our Serious Writers’ Accountability Group (SWAGr) and post your commitments for the coming month. (We’re serious, not somber!)
  • Write On Wednesday – mini lessons disguised as short story writing prompts
  • Blog –  posts on writing craft and creativity, and occasional reviews of short stories we’ve learned from
  • Podcast – 15 minutes of pep talks and writing prompts every other Saturday

Listen to me speak about StoryADay on DIYMFA Radio

DIYMFA Podcast Interview with Julie Duffy from StoryADay

Interested? Sign Up Now

The Challenge’s Rule(s)

  1. Write (finish) a story every day for a month during May (and/or September).

No, you don’t have to post it here—or anywhere. Just write.
And yes, there are more ‘rules’,  tips, tricks and information. Read more now…

Optional writing prompts are posted at the site every day during the challenge.

(Some days there are two, because we have fabulous celebrity guests who stop by to post prompts (past Guest Prompters have included Neil Gaiman, Gretchen Rubin, Heidi Durrow, Joe R. Lansdale, Seanan McGuire, Jerry Jenkins and Jonathan Maberry.)

Use the prompts if you need them, but feel free to simply drop in to the blog comments and say ‘I wrote today!”, and bask in the cheerleading of your fellow writers.


Why Do This?

Sometimes you need a big, hairy audacious goal, to scare your Inner Critic into letting you write.

It sounds crazy, but thousands of people have taken part in StoryADay May & September since 2010. Read some of what they have achieved, and what they say about the challenge.

And don’t worry, we’re not going to leave you on your own.

Where Do I Start?

Ready to sign up?
Click below



Download the free StoryADay Short Story Framework and:

  • Draft a short story today: no more stalling
  • Discover the story-telling secret in finishing your stories
  • Make today Day One of the rest of your writing life


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