
11 Ways To Get Ready For StoryADay May

StoryADay Essentials Series

To get you prepared, here’s a handy check list of items you can do before StoryADay gets underway, to make sure you have the most productive, creative writing month ever!

I'm writing a story a day badge

  • Join the StoryADay list, so that you can access the Creative Challenge Bundle, and get access to the exclusive forums at StoryADay.org (You’ll also get a printable copy of this list, with checkboxes to check. Trust me, it feels good to mark them off!)
  • Commit to taking part in the StoryADay May 2017 Challenge. Set your own rules.
  • Complete the Creative Challenge Workbook ( in the Creative Challenge Bundle). Create a customized roadmap for creative success during the challenge. Refer to it often, as you go through the month.
  • Start gathering 3 Story Sparks a day (worksheets in the bundle). Keep this up all month!
  • Read the rest of the StoryADay Essentials Series
  • Take the DIYMFA StoryTelling Super Power test, to find out what sorts of stories you like to tell.
  • Buy a specific notebook or set up a new project in Scrivener or notebook in Evernote. Or set up a folder on your hard drive or in Dropbox, to use to house your stories[1].
  • If you’re posting stories on your blog, set up a “StoryADay” category/tag for easy tracking
  • Follow StoryADay on Facebook so you can watch StoryADay Live events. Follow StoryADay on Twitter, to chat with me.
  • Join the StoryADay community (watch your inbox for details) and start posting in the forums, so you can find friends and supporters for your journey.
  • Post your commitment on social media/your blog. Accountability is good! Use these graphics.


[1] These are affiliate links for services I use and pay for. If you click on these links and buy something, StoryADay will receive a benefit.

Ready To Sign Up?

The StoryADay Productivity Bundle sign up button

Next: More Ways To Prepare for A StoryADay Challenge
Previous: How To Write A StoryADay For A Month Without Burning Out
Back: The StoryADay Essentials Series

11 thoughts on “11 Ways To Get Ready For StoryADay May”

  1. Julie, I’ve been meaning to write you for days, but I was finishing up my CampNaNo goal, and got pulled in…

    I’ve actually signed up for updates on two accounts, but I can’t find any emails that link to the Creativity Bundle. It might not be much help right now, so close to the challenge, but maybe I can work ahead a bit, if I have the link to get it.

    Any way you can help?

      1. Thanks, Julie! It could as easily been that I’ve just lost it – I upgraded my laptop last month, during CampNaNo, and haven’t gotten everything moved just yet…

        Thanks for fixing things for me…now, can you create another few hours in the week so I can read and do the exercises?! =D

        1. Sure thing! Wait, what? [off-mic muttering]Oh, apparently I’m NOT the boss of that. Sorry. You’ll just have to do your best with the standard 168, I guess…

          1. Dang! I would think that being the creator of something so wonderful would give you special powers over time, at least this month.

            Reality can be so unreasonable sometimes…so I guess I’ll just have to dive back into fiction!

            Thanks for trying, Julie! =)

  2. Hey, you rebel, you!

    I’m a huge fan of people making their own rules. Curious to see what you come up with during the month.

    (Have you ever taken Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies test? I’m a weird mix of Obliger and Rebel!!)

    Thanks for the ongoing support!

    1. I’ll tell you how it goes! I’m curious, too!

      Yes, I took the test… I think I’m a rebel, yes! 🙂

  3. Hi, Julie! 🙂

    It’s lovely to see how you continue with this project, encouraging writers to write with abandon and finishing their stories!

    I took part in “Story a Day” in 2015 and I really enjoyed the experience. This year, though, I’m going to be a bit of a rebel and only focus on creating a plot a day for 2000+ word stories (it’s what I find appealing right now, as my biggest difficulty is to create a coherent plot for something longer).

    I wish you all luck with this adventure! 🙂


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