Celebrity Guest Prompters
He’s providing the writing prompt for May 1, so don’t be late! (You can sign up to getPrompts By Email, if you haven’t already).
There are lots of other published authors and writing teachers lined up to share writing prompts during this Fifth Anniversary StoryADay May, so don’t miss out.
A Month Of Prompts…Today!
New this year, I’m offering you the chance to plan ahead, with the brand new Month Of Writing Prompts ebook for 2014!
For the past few StoryADay challenges, participants have told me that it’s really useful to be able to peek ahead at the upcoming writing prompts. Last May and September I supplied a week’s worth of prompts at a time to people on thePrompt By Email list.
This time, however, you can get the whole month worth of prompts today. Use them this coming May, or at any time in future.
(If you don’t have a Kindle, you can get a free reading app for your favorite gadget, here. Also, the ebook will not have the celebrity guest prompts, only the 31 written by yours truly. You’ll have to come to the site for the guest prompts.)
To celebrate the launch of this new ebook, it’s going on sale today at $0.99. The price will slowly creep back up to its list price of $6.99 by April 30, (this is an Amazon Countdown Deal, if you’re interested in that kind of thing), so get your copy sooner rather than later.
Are You Ready?

Don’t forget to grab your graphics to let people know you’re taking part and browse the resource section for inspiration.
Need to Warm Up?
Here’s what the course does for you:
- Start writing in small, manageable chunks that will boost your confidence,
- Generate 45 Story Sparks that you can turn into short stories,
- Learn to carve out time for your writing, and break through your fear and block, by writing straight away,
When the course is over you will have:
- 10 completed stories,
- More story ideas than you can use during the StoryADay challenge, so you never sit down to a blank page,
- The confidence to know you can make writing an on-going part of your life,
- Practice and discovery of your best working habits.
Keep writing,
P.S. Remember that all these tools (including the daily prompts) are optional. Access to the site and the community remain free, forever. StoryADay May exists to encourage you to give yourself permission to tell your stories!
Geesh, Neil Gaiman! Amazing! I’m so impressed. And I’m also impressed with the idea of writing a story a day. More and more I’m realizing the benefits of writing fast and getting the story down on paper (or more likely the computer). So many people believe you have to laboooooor over writing, which simply isn’t true. Plus, you have great tools to help. Awesome!
Thanks! It’s always a good time in May 🙂