Today’s prompt is a look at location. Location can define characters, shape plots, and create conflict. So what happens if your location is a place that has been abandoned, or seems to be abandoned? Who lived there? Who left it? Why?
The Prompt
Write a story set in an abandoned location. It could be a foreclosed house, a closed-down theme park, a ghost town, or anything else. Think about the location’s past and its story, and use those ideas to fuel your plot.
- You can focus on how your location came to be abandoned, or you can focus on the consequences of abandonment, or how your characters ended up there.
- Write about the atmosphere of the location. An abandoned place has a very different feel compared to a crowded city block, or even a lived-in home.
- Maybe your characters are tied to this location. Why? Did they live there, work there, get hurt there?
- Maybe you want to go for an unexpected mood. Not one of sadness, but one of excitement or romance.
Enough of my blabber. Go for it!
If you found this prompt helpful, please share your story and comments below! Stay tuned for more guest prompts.