Sept. 5 — Dark, Gloomy Forest

Today you’re going to drop your character into the depths of a Deep, Dark Forest, and let him or her fend for their self.

You Heartless Author you!

The Prompt

Your character is alone in the woods and finds blighted trees, drooping plants…rot and slime everywhere. It once was beautiful but overnight is turning into a swamp–its not natural. Your character must get to the bottom of this and stop it before something they love very much is threatened also. Extra points if your character actually doesn’t know this forest and ends up getting lost. Maybe the trees have turned evil and… *gulp* developed something of an appetite?

Will your character make it out alive?

Start writing, quick, so we can all find out!

Leslie Marie Dawson is an indie author, blogger and artist who revels in stories of fantasy, romance, and comedy. She can be found hiding in her hermit cave with her laptop, a stack of good books, and a glass of water (sadly she’s given up soda). Please stop by her Hermit’s Cave to see the cool things she makes!

Don’t forget to comment below and share what you wrote!

20 thoughts on “Sept. 5 — Dark, Gloomy Forest”

  1. I love this prompt. I didn’t actually use it today, but that’s because I had something else in mind, but I will come back to it, I know.

    In other news, I finished a story today. I’ve been a bad Fearless Leader so far. I’ve been overrun with other commitments and haven’t had a chance to finish a story a day. This is my second. Not bad, given that it’s only the fifth day. And this story was around 2000 words.

    Next week I pledge to do better, at least on the weekdays.

  2. This was a hard one for me, but I think I did alright, especially at the end.

    I actually wrote it pretty quick, which means some of my creative juices have returned because of this challenge. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us tomorrow.

    1. Well done Angie, I was surprised how dark that turned out, after a fairly friendly start. I noticed one mistake which your Dragon dictation may be responsible for, near the end you have “I am sorry, there is no way that I could have known him penny feet what I was doing.”

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