Welcome, Conference Attendees!

You’ve been to the conference and you are inspired. You are on fire! This is it: this time you’re going to make your writing a priority at last. You’re going to make this work.

Well, like all resolutions, this one’s going to run smack-bam into Real Life. Real life, with its time-burgling obligations and lovely-but-distracting joys.

If you are truly going to make your writing a priority, you need a plan.

The StoryADay Time To Write Workshop tackles the first big part of your plan: creating time to write in your already-busy life.

(Yes, it can be done. Even for you. Trust me.)

Ready To Get Started?

StoryADay Time To Write Workshop
$17  USE CODE summerconf15 to get this workshop FREE

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What’s In The Workshop?

This workbook has three main modules, two worksheets and a bunch of bonus materials designed to help you however you prefer to work and learn (audio, mind maps, spreadsheets…)

Module 1 helps you figure out where you might find some extra writing time;

Module 2 helps you strategize how you can make writing time appear by stealing and swapping from other areas in your life;

Module 3 teaches you how to make the most of even the tiniest pieces of time to make progress.

The Worksheets provide you with a realistic look at how you fill your day now and how you might make some space for your writing. Then then help you create a step-by-step plan for transforming your busy day into a day in which there is room to write.
Capturing your answer on the worksheets will give you an invaluable resource for those days when you feel scattered and frustrated. Pull out your worksheets and remember how possible it is to make time to write.

Bonus Materials

In case you’re an aural or visual learner, I’ve included an audio version of the workbook as a convenient mp3 file.

There is also a mind-map of the materials in Xmind and iThoughtsHD formats, which you can customize with your own ideas and plans.

Ready To Get Started?

This workshop is a self-study mini-course and is a fantastic value, compared to some of those other online lectures that sell for $79.

I am passionate about helping other writers unlock their creativity and actually write every day (not ‘some day’).  I really want to help you stick to your goals, so please have this workshop FREE.

(If you like it, invite your writing friends to get their own copy! If they you don’t find any value in the Time To Write Workshop, they can have a full refund at any time just by asking, and still get to keep all the materials. No catch.)

If you’d like to take the three-week course, check out this link.


Ready to get started?

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$17  USE CODE summerconf15 to get this workshop FREE

What’s Next?

When you have worked through the workbook, I’d love it if you would send me an email (julie at story a day dot org) or leave a comment on this blog post answering one of these questions:

  • What was the most fruitful part of the workbook for you (the one you could have kept finding answers for all day)
  • Did you discover anything unexpected about yourself?
  • Or just tell me what you thought, and if there are any parts that could be improved. Your input will make future versions of this workbook truly awesome.

Are you ready to start you writing journey today? Or do you still want to wait for “Some Day” to arrive?

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$17  USE CODE summerconf15 to get this workshop FREE



Julie Duffy


P.S. If you reached this page from a link or a forwarded email and would like to hear about other creativity tools designed especially for short story writers, sign up for the StoryADay Advance Notice List – an infrequent email update that lands in your inbox only  when I have something really useful to share. Sign up here.




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