
Engage with Focus

This week I invite you to think about why you do the things you do in your writing life…and how you can make some quick changes that yield big improvements.


Leave a comment: https://storyaday.org/episode202

Get the 202-episode Podcast Table of Contents: https://storyaday.org/podcastlist

Should You Buy The Next Book/Course Flowchart: https://storyaday.org/shiny-objects/

Writing Prompt: https://storyaday.org/wow-sound

Ready to write today, not “some day”?

3 thoughts on “Engage with Focus”

  1. Terrific episode! I have so much material waiting to be put into stories that it makes sticking to one story really difficult. So I plan to work on how I can finish what I’m working on without getting burned out before going on to the next idea. Doing one writing thing at a time instead of my usual frenzy of having twelve tabs up (one a short story by an author I want to get to know, another an article about creating titles, another with my own story I’m trying to finish, etc.). Major challenge but worthwhile, too. I might even actually finish the story! Thank you for the usual wonderful advice.

  2. Great Podcast – it helped me focus on my plans for this week. I always find that difficult! I’m planning to focus on doing a blog, or 2, and sharing with a few friends – as I’ve been meaning to do this for aggees. Fiction writing is more comfortable but I’d like to dip my toes in the blogging-stream….see if it’s for me or not.

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