I Made A Mistake

temporary tattoo, permanent message

I was talking to a writer friend recently and mentioned the Superstars group, in passing.

They said, “I’m taking this business course right now, but when I have time to get back to writing in a couple of years, I’m definitely joining that.”

Did your hair just stand on end, too?

When I have time to get back to writing in a couple of years…

What will that writer have lost in those two years?

  • 730 days of experiences unrecorded, unexamined, unexploited as material for their characters
  • Two years away from finding and developing their voice as a writer
  • Endless months for all the doubts to creep back in and undermine the confidence and certainty they built up when they were making time for writing.

Add your own items here______________

My Big Mistake

When I talked about Superstars yesterday I talked about the ‘stuff’ (the monthly special events, the archive of craft workshops, the hangouts).

But Superstars is not about the stuff.

Superstars is about having a place where you can show up for yourself, as a writer.

It’s about having encouragement to keep your writing going while you do all the other things in your busy life.

Its’ about turning up for a writing sprint once a day, once a week, or once a month (even if it’s not in the live Zoom, but in our Slack workspace – a check-in to say “I’m here. I’m writing!”), so that you don’t go months (years?) without writing. 

So that you don’t keep reading that one more craft book, or taking that one more class, and never actually write anything.

You cannot ‘fall behind’ in Superstars. You can only gain ground.

What Worries Me

I’m scared for my writer friend.

I hope that business course is exiting and profitable. 

I hope the novelty feeds their creative soul.

But I know the writer inside isn’t going away. 

I’m scared that, in a couple of years, my writer friend will be disappointed that they let their writing go…so disappointed that they’re scared to come back to it.

(I may be writing this email as much for myself as for my writer friend and you, by the way!)

Writers who don’t make time for their own writing, struggle to be happy. Because they know they are meant to be writing.

People who say ‘then just do it’ don’t help, because writing is hard and nobody really supports you through it. 

Except for the Superstars. 

Whether they participate a little or a lot, each of them knows they have a place where they will always be welcomed and encouraged as a writer, sometimes by welcoming and supporting others….and this is a source of power in our lives. 

I want you to feel that power. 

My Apology

So I apologize if I made this opportunity sound like yet another obligation to fit into your calendar.

If I did, I hid from you the extraordinary treasures you could be discovering by having a secret island in the midst of life’s turbulent seas, where you can find respite and fuel for the journey.

That’s what the Superstars group is for me and so many others.

Find out more about Superstars

Keep writing,


PS. When someone else you love wants something — really wants it — you’ll go out of your way to find the resources to make it happen for them. What would change in your life if you were allowed to make that bold move, for yourself?

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The only qualification to be a ‘Superstar” is a desire to write and support your fellow writers.

A supportive group of committed writers, who meet virtually, support each other’s efforts, and inspire each other.

Registration for 2024 open now-June 8, 2024

The StoryADay

I, WRITER Course


A 6-part journey through the short story.

Starts Jan 3, 2025