What Are The Last Three Books You Read?

Sometimes, when it’s hard to pick a writing project, it can be useful to take inspiration from other authors.

Sometimes, it’s good to review what kinds of books we’re reading and ask whether or not they are helping us in our writing.

Sometimes, it’s just fun to challenge our friends.

So here’s my challenge to you: tell me about the last three books you opened

(Not your favorite books, not books you wanted to read, not books you think will impress me. What books did you open? And yes, this can be in ebook, audio or picture book form)

Share your #last3books on your blog or social media and/or in the comments below. Then post this challenge to your friends.

Magnificat Year of Mercy Companion

This is part of my challenge to myself to read a spiritual meditation every morning. I hope that this will continue all year (and if it does, I may ‘retire’ it from this list.)

A mixture of personal stories, poetry, reflections on scripture, lives of the saints and litanies, it’s a positive way to start the day. It makes me less selfish.

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

I’m switching back and forth between the ebook and the audio version, because a, it’s looooong, b, it’s huge fun, and c, the narrator, Michael Page, is fabulous.

Set in a densely realized fantasy world, centered in one city, but so deeply developed that I have confidence there’s a whole universe around it. Locke Lamora is a lovable rogue, who, with his gang ‘The Gentleman Bastards’, tries to pull of the biggest scheme of his life and ends up in more trouble than even he could ever have imagined. There is magic in this universe but it is expensive, therefore it is sparely, which makes me happy. I prefer relatable tales of people getting in and out of scrapes on their own wits and training.

It’s an incredible feat, especially for a debut novel. The language is rich and earthy and witty (like Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s lovechild, if it had been abandoned and raised in a gutter). It is long though. I kind of wish it was a series of three shorter books, so I could enjoy one, put it down and sigh, and then look forward to he next one. There’s certainly enough story there, for that. But that’s not the choice they made, so I’ll be picking this on up for some time to come.

Unstoppable by Bill Nye

In spite of the negative connotations of the title, Bill Nye’s book about the mess we’ve made of our planet is far from a downer. In fact, the “Unstoppable” force he’s referring to is not climate change, but us: humanity.

With his trademark chatty tone and irrepressible optimism, he points out all the problems we face and encourages the next generation to be bold, and believe that they can come up with solutions, if only they care enough.

Great read.

So, those are the last three books I opened. What about you? Leave a comment!

Don’t forget to share the challenge. Here are some updates you might use:

What are the last three books you opened? Take the #Last3BooksChallenge https://storyaday.org/last–3-feb

Dare to share the last three books you opened? Take the #Last3BookChallenge http://storayday.org/last-3-feb

5 thoughts on “What Are The Last Three Books You Read?”

  1. My last three books that I’ve opened are: the actual book of Eleanor by Jason Gurley, the Kindle version of Paul Trembly’s A Head Full of Ghosts, and I’m also listening to the audiobook of Susan Hill’s The Woman in Black. It all depends on where I’m at and what book I have access to.

  2. The last three books I opened were: They Do It With Mirrors by Agatha Christie (my current bedtime read), Meeting the Buddhas (a book for children, I was preparing for a Buddhism for kids class I’m teaching today/Saturday), and Dark Corners by Ruth Rendell (which I got for Christmas and will be reading, I think, when I finish the Christie).

  3. The last three books I opened were ‘Four Past Midnight’ by Steven King (I’m working on the ‘Secret Window, Secret Garden’ story), ‘Welcome To Nightvale’ by Joseph Fink and another guy I can’t recall at the moment (it’s my take-to-work read) and ‘The End’ by Lemony Snicket (was rereading the Series of Unfortunate Events with my sister). Together they not only show a good cross-section of my reading tastes, but demonstrate that I can’t go a week without starting to read several books at once. 😛

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