
Sept 11 – Friday Favourites 2

Hi, all! It’s Monique again with another “Friday Favourite,” a prompt that is a generic premise for a story that is also the description of a classic (or favourite!) novel.

The Prompt

A person just starting out in their field takes a prestigious, entry-level position in a big city, but the result is not as perfect or exciting as they imagined.
(The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath)


The story could be serious, comic, a rom-com, a mystery, or science fiction.

What is wrong with the job — is it the job itself or the individual’s expectations?


Have fun!

Monique Cuillerier has always loved to write. She also enjoys procrastination. These two interests are frequently in conflict. Her stories have appeared in Round Up Writer’s Zine, Black Heart Magazine, (parenthetical), and elsewhere. She blogs sporadically (although more frequently during Story A Day!) at notwhereilive.ca

11 thoughts on “Sept 11 – Friday Favourites 2”

  1. That’s a brilliant prompt Monique, I’ve started a story but not got very far with it as I’ve been out and about most of the day. I was in the village of Heptonstall earlier this year, which is where Sylvia Plath is buried. I managed to find her grave. Very sad life, she was only 31 I think when she died.

  2. I sort of took the prompt (about someone who gets an entry-level job in a prestigious field and finds it’s not all it’s cracked up to be) and twisted it (pun intended; you’ll understand once you read the story) and just had a lot of fun writing something unusual. It’s Friday, and my mojo isn’t in serious mode, so it was good and for the best to just write something not too serious. You can read my story here: https://storiesbystolle.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/day-11-tittering-and-bursting. The password is 11. Enjoy!

    1. That’s a brave story Chris, I’m not sure if it’s fiction or non fiction or a mix of both, entertaining though.

      1. I made all of it up. Purely fiction. But I seem to want to write things like that from time to time. Putting myself in someone else’s shoes. In May, I did a fashion designer, so this was a little more narrow.

        1. That was certainly a unique take on the topic, Chris. It was fun, and the titillating elements offered a different take on what we might think goes through a lingerie designer’s mind.

          1. I just try to have fun when I write, which I feel like I haven’t been doing well at this month. I figured if I just wrote something that might be funny, then it would be fun to write. 🙂

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