Maybe You SHOULD Be Writing

Some weekend reading and listening to inspire you to write…

May be you SHOULD be writing...

I’m in the midst of asking writers I admire to contribute prompts for this year’s StoryADay Challenge. It’s nerve-wracking, and takes a little courage, but I do it.

Then, inevitably, when they say ‘yes’, I experience Big Emotions: Happiness and, weirdly, overwhelm. And I want to run away from my computer!

Today I caught myself feeling those feelings. I took a deep breath and asked:

What if I don’t let the Imposter Syndrome rage?

What if, by creating StoryADay May, I really HAVE created something awesome that people love to support and take part in?

What if I am doing good, and that’s good enough?

And so, I ask you the same question: what if you ARE good enough, as a writer?

Some Weekend Reading/Listening For You

Creative Guilt Trip
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Discussion Time: How Do You React?

  • Do you ever struggle with receiving positive feedback on your writing?
  • Do you ever demur and dismiss people’s praise with an “oh, go on, you’re just being nice…”?
    What if you could stand your ground, sit in the discomfort, and let their praise sink in?
  • What would it do for you, if you could truly believe that your writing is good enough, of service to readers, and that you can accept praise?
    Would you become an arrogant monster? Or would you become invigorated and want to write more stories for people to enjoy (Hint: it’s not the first one).

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