(I’m working to make this official, but until then, let’s revel in our rebel status!)
May is International Short Story Month
May is the month for a special focus on the short story: why we love it and why everyone should be reading them. April has had poetry (since 1996), so in 2010 we declared May the month of the Short Story.
How Can I Celebrate?
- Buy a short story collection from your local neighborhood indie bookstore. They’ll be happy to recommend one.
- Search online for a short story collection.
- Pledge to read a StoryADay in May – follow Jami’s example
- Write a StoryADay in May – hundreds of other people are having a go!
- Post the logo on your own online space.
- Use the hashtag #shortreads to promote your favorite short stories on Twitter.
- Check out other people’s #ShortReads recommendations
Coincidentally I had to decided to make May, my short story month. Although I have called mine ‘Mini May’. Currently reading Selected Stories by Katherine Mansfield.