Post your goals for this month and let us know how you got on with last month’s goals.

Leave a comment below telling us how you got on last month, and what you plan to do next month, then check back in on the first of each month, to see how everyone’s doing.
(It doesn’t have to be fiction. Feel free to use this group to push you in whatever creative direction you need.)
Did you live up to your commitment from last month? Don’t remember what you promised to do? Check out the comments from last month.
And don’t forget to celebrate with/encourage your fellow SWAGr-ers on their progress!
Download your SWAGr Tracking Sheet now, to keep track of your commitments this month
Examples of Goals Set By SWAGr-ers in previous months
- Write a story a day in May – everyone!
- Revise at least 10 short stories – Iraide
- Write two short stories. – Jami
- Attend one writers’ conference – Julie
- Write fable for WordFactory competition – Sonya
- Re-read the backstory pieces I wrote in May and see if I can use them within my novel – Monique
- Research the market – Jami
- Focus on my serial – Maureen
So, what will you accomplish this month? Leave your comment below (use the drop-down option to subscribe to the comments and receive lovely, encouraging notifications from fellow StADa SWAGr-ers!)
(Next check-in, 1st of the month. Tell your friends!)
Here’s what I said I would do in Feb
– Run a writing hangout here at StoryADay – DONE
– Post four flash fiction writing prompts/exercises – DONE
– Post 2 podcast episodes – DONE
– Write one short story – Hmmm, not sure I can claim this as done…
– Do lots and lots of prep for StoryADay May (undisclosed for now!) – DONE
– Keep pushing towards the end of the novel – GOT TO THE END!
For March
– Write one short story
– Host a hangout – DONE (cheating, because that was done before I posted this!)
– Lots of StoryADay prep including getting all the prompts ready
– Revise half the novel
– Brainstorm more guest posts and articles
– Read and blog about 4 short stories
– Read 2 novels
I dropped one of the Big Bangs I was doing because I’d started three different drafts and none of them fit what I wanted. So, that was the start of my March. Now, I have several smaller exchanges to do, so I’ll be keeping busy with them.
Writing-wise, February was pretty good. I did a couple of fics and found my notes for an original middle grade story. Now I just need to find what I did with the rest of it.
Ah, don’t you hate that? When you’re sure you’ve done a ton of work on something but can’t find it?
Good for you for dropping the project that wasn’t working. It’s important to know when to let something go.
Hi, all!
I had a productive February, which I am happy about.
My plans were to:
*edit and submit a short story: I did this. There was another call for submissions that I was considering, but my idea for it didn’t work out.
*make progress on the almost-done novel: This is coming along. I need to work on a synopsis, too.
*continue blogging the DIY MFA Book Club prompts: I did this and it got me back in the regular blog posting groove.
*an online class called “Dial Up the Tension”: I did this, it was a short, minimal commitment course, but it was very useful for suggesting particular strategies.
*I hadn’t planned on working on this past year’s Nano novel, but I did. I began by looking at characters and subplots.
So for March, my plans are:
*to finish and submit a piece of flash fiction to a contest.
*continue with the final edit and polish of the almost-done novel (including working on a synopsis)
*continue with regular blog posts (I am re-reading Arthur C Clarke’s Rendezvous with Rama and writing about it as a writer).
*keep working on the draft 1 novel (subplots for now)
I have been finding that I benefit from having several things on the go at once. If I am stuck or procrastinating on one thing, I can switch to something else. (And the short blog posts, in particular, can put me in a writerly state of mind.)
Hope you all have a good month and happy spring!
Oooo! Rendezvous with Rama! Gave that to my 15 year old last year. I should go back and re-read too!
Congrats on the productive month!