SWAGr May Check In 2015

This monthโ€™s  Serious Writerโ€™s Accountability Group is the perfect opportunity for you to list your goals (and personal rules) for this yearโ€™s StoryADay May. Donโ€™t be shy. Tell us what youโ€™re going to do this May!

What people are saying about StoryADayMay 2014

Did you make a SWAGr promise last month? Donโ€™t remember what you promised to do? Check out the comments from last month.

And donโ€™t forget to celebrate with/encourage your fellow writers on their progress!


Examples of Goals Set By SWAGr-ers in previous months

  • Finish novella โ€“ Maureen
  • Write two short stories. โ€“ Jami
  • Write 10,000 (fiction) words this month. โ€“ Julie
  • Work on a series โ€“ Brick
  • Track my time and see whatโ€™s getting in the way of my writing โ€“ Alex
  • Research the market โ€“ Jami
  • Writing the synopsis for my novel โ€“ Misa
  • Finish one story draft each month โ€“ Carol

 So, what will you accomplish this month? Leave your comment below:

(Next check-in, 1st of the month. Tell your friends. )

Donโ€™t forget, if you need inspiration for a story you can still get ALL THE PROMPTS from StoryADay May 2014 and support the running of the StoryADay challenge at the same time. Give a little, get a little :) Click here.

38 thoughts on โ€œSWAGr May Check In 2015โ€

  1. Good for you. Glad the April story went well.

    I am not a morning person (!!) but I will say if there is any way you can make your daily pages a priority before the rest of the day gets its hooks into you, it may help. I feel much calmer when I have spewed out me morning pages!!

  2. My goals for April were to write one first draft of a short story and to write my daily pages every day. I completed my April story early in the month, April 4. It literally flew off my pen during a daily pages session. It was therapeutic subject matter and gave me a sense of release to have it on paper. I typed it in the laptop and printed it off, that was freeing. I had a tough time keeping up with my daily pages. In fact, it has been a full week now with no pages. My schedule with family, work and personal commitments has been overwhelming. I feel the hole it is making in my mind and I intend to write daily pages tonight before I go to bed. That being said, another daily pages session produced a complete story. I will consider it my May story so I am ahead of my goal for the year. Good thing too because May is promising to be very busy as well.

    Goals for May
    Write at least one more short story. I am going to use as many of the prompts as I can to get some stories done this month. Anything I finish will be bonus material. My goal here is to finish everything I start before starting anything new.
    Write my daily pages every day going forward.

  3. This is my first time at this rodeo! Iโ€™m going to write a story every day for the month of May. Wish me luck, and good luck to all!

  4. So this is the first time I am doing this challenge. I was quite excited when I heard about this actually. So this is my goal for the month of May.

    . Write a story a day with the writing prompts given. Donโ€™t know what I will do with the material I write. I just want to write. ๐Ÿ™‚
    . I also have to finish the second draft of my feature film screenplay.

    Deep breath. Jump.

    1. Glad youโ€™re here and I love your line โ€œdonโ€™t know what Iโ€™ll do with the material i write. I just want to writeโ€. I feel the same way, most of the time!

  5. I didnโ€™t even know there was goal setting happening. I wasnโ€™t paying attention! Iโ€™m really excited to do this.

    May goal:

    Write every day for Story-a-Day. Iโ€™ve been really haphazard about my writing for quite a while, so Iโ€™m not going to pledge to complete a story every day, but I am going to pledge to start one every day. If nothing else, Iโ€™ll come out of May with 31 story starters.

  6. I set a target of 10,000 words for April which was a bit optimistic. Iโ€™ve sent off one of my competition entries a few days ago, which was a reworking of a story from about 3 years ago and Iโ€™ve also reworked another story from about a year ago and read it out at my writing group. Probably around 4,000 words. Iโ€™ve been outlining the chapters of my novel in preparation for my weeks retreat and Iโ€™m in the process of sketching out another of my competition short stories.
    Looking forward to the Story a Day challenge. Iโ€™m away from home for next three days, but I intend to produce something each day, even if it is a bit sketchy.

  7. Hi everyone, this is my first time doing StoryADay May but I think itโ€™s exactly what I need. Iโ€™ve just finished doing Camp Nano and I reached my word count but I didnโ€™t necessarily finish the stories I started. I have a problem finishing things so that that is expressly part of the point of StoryADay May is very good.

    I think I am going to do a story every day except Sunday. And if it is still too overwhelming Iโ€™ll take Saturday off too, but Iโ€™d rather not. I am also doing NaPoWriMo and I would like to continue writing at least one poem a day.

    Iโ€™m hoping to concentrate on flash fiction which I am also new at.

    1. Hi Tamara, and welcome!
      I definitely recommend pushing yourself then adjusting the target if itโ€™s unworkable. Just keep turning up at your desk/notebook/computer!
      Flash is not always faster than a short story, of course, so if you find yourself rambling on past 1000 words, donโ€™t worry. But do get to the end.

  8. I have too many writing projects with deadlines looming to promise myself a story a day. My goal is to write at least two pages every day, and hoping to do much more on some days.

    Iโ€™m hoping to work my way through these commitments so I can get back to the freedom of writing for fun!

  9. Hi, all, Iโ€™m new to stating my monthly goals (but Iโ€™m thinking it will help), although Iโ€™ve done Story A Day May before (some years more successfully than others!).

    Iโ€™m currently writing a novel (a mystery that I consider to be the first in a series), so I thought I would use the month to write stories that are: 1) backstory anecdotes to fill out my charactersโ€™ personalities; 2) outlines of future books and short stories in the series; and 3) outlines of some books from the fictional series the protagonist loves and frequently refers to.

    I figure that should keep me busy.

    And thank you so much, Julie, for doing this again!

    1. Iโ€™ve done a lot of writing since I was on here last. Some of my short stories have been published on Kindle and in paperbacks. I still have a few shorts from last time that i havenโ€™t done anything with. But this May I plan to replenish my short stories. I hope to write a little longer stories instead of flash all the time, but donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s possible for me and still squeeze thirty one stories in. Weโ€™ll see.

      Iโ€™m looking forward to this challenge especially since I couldnโ€™t do it last year.
      Thanks, Julie for hosting this again.and making it so fun. Writing should be fun as well as productive. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Yay! Welcome back and congrats on the writing successes (and thanks for the kind comments).

        Hey, if your aim is to write longer stories and you need to adapt the total-output to fewer than 31 stories, then go ahead. Can you finish a longer one every other day?

    2. Hi Monique! Glad to see you here in the SWAGr group. Sounds like we have some similar aims. I tried writing backstory stuff for my novel universe last year and didnโ€™t consider it a success at the time, but it did help when I got back to the novel(s). So I wish you success and patience!

  10. So, last monthโ€ฆ I came up with stuff to do without remembering that I had a surgery appointment later in the month. As it turns out, I donโ€™t work well under stress of surgery. But hey, I managed to write scattered 25k of fiction over various projects, and one of my stories got named a Story of the Week by i09, so the month wasnโ€™t a total wash.
    This month Iโ€™m probably not going to be doing strictly a story per day โ€“ my short stories often take 2-3 days to write properly. But I will:

    โ€“ write one short story per week, a la Bradbury
    โ€“ build up my blogging skills โ€“ actually write a post per week
    โ€“ finish plotting and character-building for a serial Iโ€™m launching soon, โ€˜Mostly Dead Girlsโ€™

    1. Ah, we live and learn, eh?
      And I would call your progress much better than โ€˜not a total wash!!
      I discovered the Bradbury Story A Week idea after I had started StoryADay May. In retrospect, itโ€™s a much more sensible idea, and I recommend it heartily. But I think thereโ€™s a place for a little insanity for those who are inclined, once a year ๐Ÿ™‚

      Good luck!

      1. I miiiiight have a small perfectionism problem. ๐Ÿ˜›
        I actually really want to try the proper Story-A-Day May sometime โ€“ just both Mays since I found it have been booked with other projects I need to spend some time on in advance. Ah well.

  11. My goals for May 2015 โ€“ (2) story drafts each week. That will give me (8) rough drafts to work with. Iโ€™ve decided to reasonable goals for myself, as a story-a-day, tantalizing as that is, will just not cut it for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wishing everyone here Good luck, Happy Writing, and BIG THANKS to Julie for getting us all set up for a great May of writing !

    P.S. โ€“ Love the May prompts KINDLE book, well worth the money.

    1. Hi Carol!
      Aw, youโ€™re sweet. Thanks for the comment about the Kindle book. I love hearing that itโ€™s helpful.

      I love your goals, too. If you keep that pace up throughout the month, youโ€™ll be creating a fabulous habit!

  12. Well, since Iโ€™m the โ€˜brainsโ€™ behind this, I suppose Iโ€™d better commit to writing a story a day in May, eh?

    So thatโ€™s what Iโ€™ll do.

    My plan is to
    *write some more episodes of a serial I started last year (http://www.julieduffy.com/category/writing/fiction/forgetown-follies/)
    *write some Christmas stories for release in November (I did this in 2013 and it was fun! )
    *write some other holiday/themed stories for submission to markets that like holiday/themed stories.
    *perhaps write some short stories set in the universe of my novel(s) to add depth, spark ideas for them, and potentially work as stand-alone pieces.

    Last month I promised to:
    * Write, promote and release the 2015 StoryADay Writing Prompts ebook DONE!
    * Solicit guest prompts from established writers, to go up on the site DONE!
    * Clean up the site and open it for registration DONE!
    * Spam the heck out of the mailing list. DONE!
    * Interview writers and guest post on other sites to raise awareness of StoryADay May (our sixth year!!!) DONE!

    1. Oooh, I like the way you broke down what kind of stories youโ€™ll write. I think Iโ€™ll nick that for my May Plan ๐Ÿ˜€

      Well done on achieving all the April goals โ€“ sounds like a lot of work!

      1. Iโ€™m hoping having specific stories planned will help.

        And yes, Iโ€™m fairly exhausted. Iโ€™m probably the only person around here whoโ€™s looking forward to writing a story a day as a *break* from what Iโ€™ve been doingโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. My goals: a story a day (first time doing the challenge!) and finish revising a series of short stories Iโ€™m indie publishing. I can do this!

      1. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

        Iโ€™ve been a Nano Rebel the last few years by writing short stories so this should be an easy adjustment ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. So, hereโ€™s what I said last month:
    My big goal for the month: Finish my CampNaNo novella โ€“ 20,000 words โ€“ and publish a 100-word story every day on the blog (oh the insanity!).
    I finished the novella last night, and I wrote a 100-word story every day. Well, okay, Iโ€™m still working on todayโ€™s, but itโ€™s going to go up soon.

    May goals:
    โ€“ write a story a day (obviously!); use one 100-worder a week as opening for a longer story
    โ€“ print out and read through novella; take editing notes

    1. I am in awe! Go YOU!

      I just finished the April A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. In May, oโ€™course, Iโ€™ll do a (VERY short!) story a day on my blog.

      1. Thank you, Marian! Iโ€™m still a bit amazed I actually did it, tbhโ€ฆ

        Looking forward to reading your stories ๐Ÿ™‚

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