SWAGr – November Check In

It’s that time again: Serious Writer’s Accountability Group Check In!

This is the first time we’re “meeting” on the first of the month and that’s how it’s going to go from now on.

What people are saying about StoryADayMay 2014

You’re back! Or you’re here for the first time. Either way, good for you!

Welcome to the Serious Writers Accountability Group, where we post our goals for the coming month and ‘fess up to how much we wrote last month.

Leave a comment below telling us how you got on last month, and what you plan to do next month, then check back in on the first of each month, to see how everyone’s doing.

(It doesn’t have to be fiction. Feel free to use this group to push you in whatever creative direction you need.)

Don’t remember what you promised to do? Check out the comments on previous SWAGr posts.

And don’t forget to celebrate with/encourage your fellow SWAGr-ers on their progress!


Examples of Goals Set By SWAGr-ers in previous months

  • Write 10,000 (fiction) words this month.” – Julie
  • Read a new short story every day.” – Julie
  • Track my time and see what’s getting in the way of my writing – Alex
  • Decide on a project and outline before November 1st – Jeannie
  • Revise two short stories and research possible markets – Jeannie
  • Expand a couple of writing exercises into short stories – Jeannie
  •  Schedule “me time” to recharge my creative juices during November – Jeannie
  • Finish one of my other short stories and send it out – Maureen
  • Write at least 500 words a day on any project – Maureen
  • Finish the next large chunk of script I’m writing for a webcomic – Maureen
  • Finish the last chapter of a multichapter fanfiction (don’t judge me) – Maureen
  • Soak myself in inspiration for my NaNo novel – Maureen
  • Write 1,500 words a day on my book. On weekends … write 2,500 words a day – Jeffrey

 So, what will you do this month? Leave your comment below:

(Next check-in, Dec 1, 2014. Tell your friends. )

Don’t forget, if you’re warming up for NaNoWriMo, you could do worse than write a few short stories. How about a collection of ALL THE PROMPTS from StoryADay May 2014? Yes? Click here.

13 thoughts on “SWAGr – November Check In”

  1. I seem a bit late on this! Over the last month I’ve submitted four short story competiton entries. Three of these were approx 2,000 words and one was 500 word flash. One of the longer stories and the flash were products from the story a day in May prompts. Woop, woop.
    This month I’ve started another 2,000 word story and I’m 1500 words into it. I’ll be looking for one or two more competitions and trying to plan out the resurrection of my half finished novel.

    1. Excellent stuff!

      I find it inspiring to see people being consistent with their efforts. I know it’s the only way to get anywhere, but consistency is something I struggle with, so thanks for being a good influence!!

    1. Ooo, that burns, Shari! Use your anger. Write something. Even small fragments, or set a 300 words-a-day goals for a week (or better yet, 2100 words for the week, so you have wiggle room). You can do it! Every little bit counts!

  2. My stories have been on the back burner due to a 6 week poetry workshop I participated in recently. I have noticed that some of my poems are great prompts for a story or two.
    But I have been reading Aluce Munro.

  3. Hm… well, I didn’t quite get the 500-wpd in. But I did finish and send out another short story, and work on the webcomic (although it’s on hiatus at the moment). Neeeearly done with the last chapter of the multichapter fic – it turned into three chapters when I actually got to work on it. 😛 And I watched all the surreal fantasy I could get my hands on in preparation for starting my NaNo novel today.
    This month I’m mainly trying to
    – keep on track with my NaNo Novel, The Stork
    – and make sure I have a COMPLETE first draft
    – but I might try to write/submit another short story as well.

    1. Not too shabby! Isn’t it funny how the wordcount racks up when we actuall Do The Work? 😉

      Good luck with the NaNo novel! Keep pushing whenever you get stuck!

  4. In the last month I have: read three books, written the outline and fleshed out the characters for my NaNo project, written six critiques for other writers, had one chapter of a book critiqued and rewritten it (I believe it is a stronger chapter now). I have also fleshed out outlines for two other stories and written two scenes in each. I’m working in several genres right now, exploring a bit. I also have ADD, so project fidelity is not a strong character point for me.
    My goal for this month is hideously simple: finish my NaNo project, not just 50K, but finish the story in the process.

    1. I’m glad you included the “critiques done for others” in your list. I have a tendency to fixate on “words written” when in fact I learn a ton from my critique group (especially the critiques I do for them)

      And good for you for actually rewriting. It’s all very well to *get* the critique. Acting on it is key.

      I’m a little focus-challenged, myself, so I wish you good luck on NaNoWriMo. It’s good to plunge yourself into one project and use that hyper-focus superpower from time to time. Concentrating on getting to the end of the story is a great goal. You can always type “[flesh this out later]” and skip to the next tent pole event in your plot.

      Let us know how you get on!

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