SWAGr for September 2019

Post your goals for this month and let us know how you got on with last month’s goals.

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Leave a comment below telling us how you got on last month, and what you plan to do next month, then check back in on the first of each month, to see how everyone’s doing.

(It doesn’t have to be fiction. Feel free to use this group to push you in whatever creative direction you need.)

Did you live up to your commitment from last month? Don’t remember what you promised to do? Check out the comments from last month.

And don’t forget to celebrate with/encourage your fellow SWAGr-ers on their progress!

Download your SWAGr Tracking Sheet now, to keep track of your commitments this month


Examples of Goals Set By SWAGr-ers in previous months

  • Write a story a day in May – everyone!
  • Revise at least 10 short stories – Iraide
  • Write two short stories. – Jami
  • Attend one writers’ conference – Julie
  • Write fable for WordFactory competition – Sonya
  • Re-read the backstory pieces I wrote in May and see if I can use them within my novel – Monique
  • Research the market – Jami
  • Focus on my serial – Maureen

 So, what will you accomplish this month? Leave your comment below (use the drop-down option to subscribe to the comments and receive lovely, encouraging notifications from fellow StADa SWAGr-ers!)

(Next check-in, 1st of the month. Tell your friends!)

24 thoughts on “SWAGr for September 2019”

  1. Hello! I have been away for so long. Away from SWAGr and away from my writing. My two goals for September are to reestablish a daily writing routine and to work on a revision of a piece I had critiqued by a local writing group I joined back in May. I submitted my story for the June meeting and I finally can make time to work on it physically. I have been working on it in my head, now I need to get it onto the page.

  2. My goal for September is to write regularly. I want to write at least 4 days a week. I struggle to write at all some weeks. So I want to start with something manageable. I would love to write daily but we will see,

  3. I almost stayed on track in August – well, I knew some thing were unachievable. Intentions:

    IWSG monthly post – achieved.
    WEP/IWSG Challenge – Flash Fiction with theme ‘Red Wheelbarrow’ for late August: written and readers positive.
    Reviews of the four books read and outstanding – stopped reading to do reviews. One posted.
    Finish novella entitled ‘Kindled Casket’ – before my followers complain – this has now merged with ‘Red Wheelbarrow’ and I’m writing the next part for October’s WEP?IWSG Challenge.
    Work frantically on short for IWSG Anthology – MG historical fantasy. Deadline September 4th – and will be submitted one day early.
    Revise and submit novella ‘Azure Spark’ to editor 1 – if I get down this far. WITH BETA READERS
    Eventually, I might get onto my NIP = Novel In Progress – called ‘Fevered Few’. CARRIED FORWARD

    September’s Goals:
    IWSG monthly post – due Wednesday 4th.
    Attempt to write every day in September Story A Day.
    Reviews of the three books read and outstanding – stopped reading to do reviews.
    Submit short for IWSG Anthology – MG historical fantasy. Deadline September 4th.
    Submit an entry in Pitch Wars for my NIP = Novel In Progress – called ‘Fevered Few’. This is my main focus as the submission requires a query + 1 page single-spaced synopsis + 1st chapter; plus the full-length fiction manuscript needs to be completed and polished for when requested.

    I’ll be interested to see what I’ve done by October.

  4. My goals for September are to work some every day on my memoir,
    to take an online writing class, to go through and categorize my collected notes to self once a week, and to spend 10 minutes every day getting existing writing into Scrivener and categorized. Glad to be with you all. Good luck!

  5. Accomplished some in August but not as much as I wanted to. But September has started with a bang–just finished Story #1 and tucked it into the Story a Day folder in My Documents. Feels good to get something completed! My longer WIP is eating my lunch. Love reading everyone’s goals and plans. We can do this!!

  6. In August, I rewrote, submitted for critique, and revised the opening scene from my novel, like, three times. I also worked on revising three poems, and I wrote a new one. I did not get another essay written and submitted for publication, as I had hoped I would.

    In September, I plan to watch the Superstar videos daily, in case they immediately’s spark a story if something doesn’t immediately come to me, I plan to use the forty-minute-short-story-writing method to re-outline scenes for a complete reimagining of my novel. I hope to complete at least three of these scene sketches (which I might also use as a series of connected short stories) per week.

    I would also like to publish a blog post and to submit for publication the three poems I meant to submit in August. The revision took longer than I expected. I would also like to critique five pieces as a part of my online critique group. The goals in this paragraph are stretch goals. I want to focus on the scene sketches/short stories this month. If I don’t get back to the poems, I’ll get to them in October.

  7. I’m going to write at least 5 stories a week in September & complete the revisions on at least one of my already written stories for submission.

  8. First time I give myself writing goals, so I’m gonna start (s)low. I will write a short story every Friday on Twitter. 180 signs to tell something fictional. It’s in French, I’ll consider to translate my tweets someday.
    I’m also gathering ideas and informations for one novel and one short-stories collection (multiple short stories linked by a common event, I don’t know how tou call that in English) I’m working on. Let’s go.

  9. Hi, all,

    So, my commitments for August were to finish a speculative fiction class through the Writers Studio (done), write and submit two pieces (submitted one), and maybe work on my blog (no).

    For September, I’m going to do:
    1) Write a Story A Day (and post about it!). I’m planning on using it to further develop a larger piece I’m working on.
    2) Blog (really).
    3) Work on editing of 2-3 stories for later submission.

    Good writing!

  10. I’ll be working on my stories each day! 🙂 Today’s prompt is already in a new vein for me, so I’ve got my fingers crossed that this’ll all go well 😀

  11. My goal is to write a story a day. I also would like to revisit some past stories to rewrite.
    I will also write a blog post at least 5 days a week as well.
    I will interact within the slack and site every day as well – that might be my favorite part!

    1. LOVE the Slack Channel. That has been such an unexpected bonus of the Superstars Group. So grateful to whoever it was who suggested it.

  12. I think I might be insane but I’m joining in on the Storyaday September. I’ve been revising a memoir and becoming very stuck. I’m hoping that exercising another part of my writing brain with short fiction will shake things loose.

  13. My goal is to do StoryadaySemptenber and to also keep up the daily routine I’ve established for developing stories I’ve already written in short draft form. It’ll take some doing but I want to move forward.

      1. Thank you, Julie. I wrote my first story this morning using your prompt! My heroine met a fellow worker who saved all of his pay and bought the place where they worked. Now, they never have to work again! (Yes, it was a fairytale!)

  14. Well, I dropped out of more than half of the exchanges I was planning because work is just taking too much out of me. But, I’ve been working on a longer story (5,000+ words) on my breaks, so I am getting writing done.

    My goal is to finish the exchanges I’m still signed up for, finish this long fic, and do Story a Day. This one is my fast-and-loose month, because it’s also my birth month, which means I spend a lot of time not writing and instead doing things with family. So, I’m planning on doing as many of the prompts as I can, but not stressing if I can’t do all of them.

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