Structure for Your Writing Life

Learn from my mistake and triumphs, kiddoes…

Towards the end of the challenge, I’m noticing something about the people who are participating in the challenge: they’re getting more comfortable with tretaing the challenge as a support, not a cage.

What kind of support do you need, around your writing life?

Want to participate on your own schedule, get the StoryADay Challenge Handbook

Truth Bomb!

Learn from my mistake and triumphs, kiddoes…

An update from my StoryADay Challenge including travel; a migraine; whether or not writing streaks matter; and what to do when you don’t stick to your own rules for the challenge…

Haven’t joined the challenge yet? Do that here

Want to participate on your own schedule, get the StoryADay Challenge Handbook

2024 Day 4 Check in with Julie

“What’s the point of writing another story, today?”

In which I discuss the importance of daily writing practice, sharing my own inner resistance to this challenge (yes, even after all these years) and how I ultimately find joy and fulfillment in the writing…and you can too!

Follow along with all the check ins by subscribing here