Structure for Your Writing Life

Learn from my mistake and triumphs, kiddoes…

Towards the end of the challenge, I’m noticing something about the people who are participating in the challenge: they’re getting more comfortable with tretaing the challenge as a support, not a cage.

What kind of support do you need, around your writing life?

Want to participate on your own schedule, get the StoryADay Challenge Handbook

Truth Bomb!

Learn from my mistake and triumphs, kiddoes…

An update from my StoryADay Challenge including travel; a migraine; whether or not writing streaks matter; and what to do when you don’t stick to your own rules for the challenge…

Haven’t joined the challenge yet? Do that here

Want to participate on your own schedule, get the StoryADay Challenge Handbook

Day 28 – Leslie Stack Objects To This Marriage

Leslie Stack writing prompt

The Prompt

“Loretta’s face was hidden by the wide brimmed hat boldly covered in ribbons and one rose. Rising slowly from the fourth pew, she raised her chin towards the minister and declared, “I object.”

The Author

Leslie Stack

Leslie Stack is a writer, musician, camper, and teacher who loves being on the water or in a museum. You can usually find her doing research behind dark glasses on a park bench. She lives in a house  with her husband where the books are plotting a takeover.

Read A Book, Support An Indie

Reads & Company Logo

This year’s StoryADay May official bookseller is Reads & Company, a privately-owned indie bookseller in Pennsylvania. Any purchase from the site this month supports Reads & Co.

Leave a comment and let us know how you used the prompt, and how you’re celebrating!