This is going to be great! I’m so glad to have you with us.
I’ll be posting prompts (with videos and podcast audio) every day during the challenge.
While you’re waiting, why not share your commitment to StoryADay on social media? Get your friends involved. Peer pressure is good…
Complete Your Checklist
To get you prepared, here’s a handy check list of items you can do before StoryADay gets underway.
Print out a copy here and mark every step off as you complete it. (Trust me, it feels gooood!)
- Find your ‘welcome’ email and access the Creative Challenge Bundle (or click here).
- Commit to taking part in the StoryADay Challenge. Set your own rules.
- Complete the Creative Challenge Workbook in the bundle.
- Start gathering 3 Story Sparks a day (worksheets in the bundle).
- Read the StoryADay Essentials Series.
- Take the DIYMFA StoryTelling Super Power test, to find out what sorts of stories you like to tell.
- Buy a specific notebook or set up a new project in Scrivener or notebook in Evernote. Or set up a folder on your hard drive or in Dropbox, to use to house your stories[1].
- If you’re posting stories on your blog, set up a “StoryADay 20XX” category/tag for easy tracking.
- Follow StoryADay on Facebook so you can watch StoryADay Live events. Follow StoryADay on Twitter, to chat with me.
- Join the StoryADay community (watch your inbox for details) and start posting in the forums, so you can find friends and supporters for your journey.
- Post your commitment on social media/your blog. Accountability is good! Use these graphics.
[1] These are affiliate links for services I use and pay for. If you click on these links and buy soething, StoryADay will receive a benefit.