[Write On Wed] The Stories The Books Tell

This post came from my local independent bookstore yesterday, closed for the moment, but imagining wonderful things. (You can support Reads & Co while they’re closed by ordering from them here)

Reads & Company bookstore image "the books keep themselves company, telling each other stories until you return"
Reposted with permission from bookstore owner and writer Robb Cadigan. He says “Hope people have fun with it”, but reserves first dibs on the idea as kids’ book or published story…

The Prompt

What stories do the books tell each other?

Alternate Prompt

If you’re having trouble actually writing stories at the moment, here’s a writing exercise to help you get started writing something

  • Write down five things you can feel (physically touch) right now.
  • Write down five things you can hear right now.
  • Write down five things you can smell right now.
  • Write down five things you’ve tasted in the past 24 hours
  • Write down five things you can see right now.

And yes, I intentionally put sight last, because we tend to default to that, and it’s perhaps the least immersive of the sense in a story.

This exercise should pay off next time you have to write a scene and want to slow the action down or give the reader a moment to understand that something important is happening.

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