
[Writing Prompt] Medieval Mayhem

Sticking with this month’s theme of writing for publication, today I bring you another prompt associated with a themed issue. This time it’s from Splickety Magazine…

Sticking with this month’s theme of writing for publication, today I bring you another prompt associated with a themed issue.

Splickety Magazine Logo

This time it’s for flash fiction from Splickety Magazine. This pays 2 cents per word and you get a copy of the print magazine. The deadline is April 7, 2017.

The Prompt

Write a flash fiction story set in medieval times.


  • Check out the guidelines at Splickety and especially the useful link for public domain medieval resources.
  • If you’re going to submit, make sure you are OK with the (reasonable) rights terms listed at the site.
  • The publication doesn’t want to see time travel or speculative fiction (boo!), but if you’re not planning to submit feel free to go wild with the Connecticut Yankee/Doctor Who fan fic!
  • Don’t spend all day getting lost in medieval research. Choose one odd aspect of life in medieval times and build your story around that one fact. You don’t need to know everything for a short story, just enough to paint the picture.
  • Decide upfront if your characters are going to act (and sound) as authentically medieval as you can manage or whether you’re going to go tongue-in-cheek anachronistic. Either way, embrace it whole-heartedly.


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